Are Muesli And Oatmeal The Same Thing?

If you love a steaming bowl of oatmeal in the morning, you're probably not alone. According to Tastewise, about 20% of restaurants serve oats, and as of September 2022, more than 1 million menu items contained oats. Even when made at home, oatmeal is an endlessly versatile breakfast food. Oats can be steeped in tea, mixed with zucchini to make cookies, and toasted to add flavor to pancakes.

Although oats have been popular in America since the late 1800s, according to CBS News, it's time for oatmeal to make some room for its competition: muesli. Originally created by a doctor for his patients in the hospital, muesli has been consumed in Europe for over 100 years but has only recently made its way onto the American breakfast scene, according to Spoon University

It's not surprising that oatmeal-loving Americans are also developing a taste for muesli. Both of these breakfast dishes are grain-based and can be eaten hot with toppings such as fruit, seeds, and nuts, according to MasterClass. But when it comes to choosing your next cozy morning meal, there are a few key differences between these two to keep in mind.

Muesli is oatmeal's colder cousin

Oatmeal is widely beloved as a warm breakfast food that provides sustenance during the chilly fall and winter seasons. If you're looking for a way to comfortably enjoy oats during the sweltering summer months, however, muesli has got you covered. While you can prepare muesli on the stove, it's often soaked overnight in milk or water and eaten as a cold cereal the next day (via MasterClass).

While oatmeal is generally only eaten as a warm porridge with toppings, muesli gets additional points for versatility. According to Spoon University, muesli can be made of a multitude of ingredients, including quinoa, dried fruit, and honey, and can be eaten with milk or yogurt. If muesli sounds eerily similar to granola, Bon Appétit notes the main distinction between the two: muesli is a loose mixture of ingredients, while granola is generally clumped together.

Whether you prefer your breakfast hot or cold, you're in luck, as both oatmeal and muesli are packed with nutritional benefits. According to CaloriesInfo, muesli is higher than oatmeal in protein, calories, and fat. However, according to WebMD, muesli is high in fiber, which can help lower cholesterol and control blood sugar, and contains notable amounts of unsaturated fats and vitamin E. Oatmeal is also a great source of fiber, notes Healthline, as well as nutrients like manganese and magnesium. So if you're choosing between oatmeal and muesli for a healthy breakfast, the good news is that you can't go wrong.
