Why Using The Right Type Of Glass Is Important For Irish Coffee

According to the Irish Whiskey Museum, Foynes in Ireland's County Limerick was quite the transit hub during the 1940s, welcoming passengers from around the world, serving as the main airport for flying boats, and hosting movie stars and political leaders at the restaurant led by Chef Joe Sheridan. It was here that Sheridan began offering comforting warm cups of Irish Coffee to guests. One visitor, a travel writer, named Stanton Delaplane, brought the concept back with him to the United States. He told his friend, Jack Koeppler, the owner of The Buena Vista in San Francisco, about the drink (per The Buena Vista). The duo failed to successfully replicate the recipe. The Irish Whiskey Museum states that the pair reached out to Sheridan with a job offer. He accepted, and The Buena Vista continues to churn out the drink to this day.

"We sell more Irish whiskey than anywhere in the world," Buena Vista's Barman Clark Facer told San Francisco Travel. Indeed, Irish Coffee has become a classic notes Liquor, and the comforting combination of Irish whiskey, brown sugar, the right kind of coffee, and whipped cream can brighten chilly mornings and offer boozy boosts throughout winter nights. While you can serve Irish Coffee in whatever you'd like, Robb Report points out that the shape of your glass matters with this drink, and the ideal pour ends up in the kind of glass that not only shows off the contrast of ingredients but can also withstand higher temperatures.

For Irish Coffees, bigger is not better

Irish Coffee is meant to be served hot, as the recipe is made with steaming coffee that is poured into a pre-warmed glass. Food Network suggests filling your chosen mug or glass with hot water first, then emptying it out before adding the coffee and whisky concoction. Yet the art of Irish Coffee is its simplicity. Bartender Dale DeGroff told Liquor that the perfect Irish Coffee isn't meant to be served in massive proportions. In fact, a six-ounce glass is a perfect size to create a beverage that leaves guests wanting more. "You also don't need a giant pour of Irish whiskey," DeGroff added.

At The Buena Vista, Irish Coffee is served in tulip-shaped stemmed glasses that show off the establishment's hand-whipped cream and helps bartenders build perfectly balanced drinks (via Food & Wine). Of course, most Irish Coffee drink recipes are made complete with a topping of whipped cream and a garnish of powdered nutmeg or cinnamon. Poured into the right-handled glass, you, too, will be serving up drinks worthy of Instagram updates.
