How Modelo Is Celebrating Día De Los Muertos

CORRECTION 10/26/22: A previous version of this article stated that Modelo cans and bottles with Mister Cartoon-designed label art would be available in stores to honor Día de los Muertos. The special cans were only available for Día de los Muertos 2021 and will not be sold in stores this year.

Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a holiday with ancient origins that commemorates loved ones who have passed away. For this year's Día de los Muertos, beer brand Modelo will once again be partnering with visual and tattoo artist Mister Cartoon, according to a press release.

While the modern incarnation of the holiday is the result of many different cultural influences, History shares Día de Los Muertos' oldest origins trace back to the Aztec empire. Families would provide food, water, and tools to the recently deceased to aid them on their journey through the underworld during the annual celebration. 

Today, this tradition takes the form of ofrendas, or offerings, per Day of the Dead. Ofrendas are altars that are decorated publicly near grave sites, but also in many private homes as well. They typically feature sprinklings of marigold leaves, photos of loved ones, and may feature their favorite beer, clothing, or food such as the traditional Pan de Muertos.

Modelo has decided to make a digital ofrenda for fans of the beer this Día de los Muertos, and is partnering with Mexican American artist Mister Cartoon to encourage participation.

Modelo launches digital ofrenda

Modelo just announced that it will be taking inspiration from the traditional ofrenda for its "Raise One In Their Honor" campaign. Consumers are encouraged to go to the campaign's website on their mobile devices to create a digital ofrenda for a loved one who has passed away. The photo and caption will be added to the ever-growing memorial wall made up of other submissions.

Offerings will also be reviewed by Mister Cartoon himself who will select a contest winner that will receive a free two-hour tattoo session with the renowned artist. "Día de los Muertos has always been a day of celebration and a way to pay respect to family and friends who are no longer with us," explained the artist, "so I'm excited to partner with Modelo again to bring these traditions to even more people. It will be an honor to create a meaningful and symbolic piece of Día de los Muertos art for the Modelo fan I get to meet."

There is no purchase of Modelo is necessary to create your own digital altar. The deadline for entries is 11:59 p.m. EST on November 2, 2022.
