Tasting Table Unearths What People Think Is The Best Alcohol To Add To Eggnog- Exclusive Survey

Everyone can name a few foods that equate to the holiday season. Roast turkey, fruitcake, and Christmas cookies are just some examples that scream "holidays" to most Americans. But the beverages that come with this time of year are equally as iconic. Once the holly is hung and the Starbucks holiday drinks debut, people suddenly begin craving mulled wine, hot buttered rum, and, of course, eggnog. It is believed that the quintessential festive drink first made an appearance in North America in the 1700s, according to Time, where the New World was bustling with dairy cows, chickens, and rum, all (arguably) essential items in the production of eggnog.

The drink is an indulgence in many ways, and that is, perhaps, why it makes an appearance during the holiday season, when many are toasting to the happiness and prosperity they've experienced during the year. It is generous in calories, thanks to the cream, milk, eggs, and sugar, and also liberal with the booze. George Washington himself was a fan of the beverage and recorded his own recipe in writing, which included brandy, rye whiskey, rum, and sherry, via Almanac. The hangovers of our founding fathers were undoubtedly severe. Most modern recipes call for the addition of one type of alcohol, and fans of eggnog tend to have strong opinions on which one is the best. We asked 601 of our loyal readers their opinions on which spirit was their favorite addition to eggnog.

Tasting Table readers rally around rum

42% of those surveyed, or 253 people, agreed that the drink of the islands, rum, was the best choice for spiking their eggnog. This is no surprise, given the range of spiced, aged, and dark rums on the market. In general, the flavor notes of rum like molasses, vanilla, and butterscotch just seem to work with the other ingredients and flavors of eggnog. Following rum, about 20% or 120 of those who voted prefer brandy as their tipple of choice. Bringing in around 17% of votes was bourbon, followed closely by whiskey with 16% of the votes. Just under 5% or 29 of voters chose cognac as their pick.

It is clear that there is no shortage of premade eggnog brands in the markets during the holiday season, and these typically contain no alcohol. To taste authentic eggnog, one that doesn't contain the preservatives, artificial flavorings, and cloying sweetness that tend to be the norm in those found in cartons, you can always make homemade eggnog. Yes, you'll have to use real eggs (unless you prefer a vegan recipe), but the ingredient list is usually short and the directions are not as intimidating as you think. Plus, you can add whatever brand of booze your festive heart desires.
