Pie Lovers Tell Tasting Table Their Go-To Thanksgiving Option - Exclusive Survey

Thanksgiving is the time to dig in and pull out your stretchiest pants. We already know pie is the preferred holiday dessert for Tasting Table readers, but in the spirit of the season, we decided to dive a little deeper. We asked 601 readers which pie they were most looking forward to eating on Thanksgiving, and we offered five delicious options: pumpkin pie, pecan pie, sweet potato pie, apple pie, and chocolate pie.

Before we reveal the results, let's savor the anticipation. The American Pie Council (yes, that's really a thing) has more pie trivia than you could possibly imagine. For example, one-fifth of people cop to having eaten an entire pie by themselves. Six million men between the ages of 35 and 54 have secretly eaten the last slice of pie and lied about it, and a shocking 7% of Americans have pretended they baked a store-bought pie. While we're sure Tasting Table readers would never stoop so low, we also know only 3% of readers were most looking forward to baking pie for Thanksgiving. Store-bought or homemade, which is the preferred pie to eat? Here is what our readers had to say.

The results are pretty traditional

The hands-down winner for the favorite pie to eat on Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie, with 32% of the votes. That's not really surprising, given that Good Housekeeping estimates about 50 million pumpkin pies are eaten every November. Second place goes to apple pie, the favorite of 24% of readers. Interestingly, Reader's Digest points out there are regional variations among Americans when it comes to favorite Thanksgiving pies, and while pumpkin was the overall winner, folks in New England and the Mid-Atlantic (except for Maryland) prefer apple pies to all others.

Pecan pie settled in third place, with 20% of the vote, and Reader's Digest's results would predict that most of those votes came from people with roots in southern states. Sweet potato pie brought in 14% of the votes, and chocolate pie was in last place, with 10% of the votes.

Choosing a favorite pie may be a difficult decision, as each kind has its merits, so for you indecisive sorts, there's always the piecaken, the most decadent of desserts. According to Taste of Home, it features a pumpkin pie baked inside a spice cake, stacked atop a pecan pie baked inside a chocolate cake.
