King Charles Has A Bizarre Plum Breakfast Ritual

The average person may start their day with a granola bar or an egg sandwich, but King Charles is no average person. Perhaps with royalty comes distinctive taste, as he rarely wavers from his breakfast traditions. Not even when he travels does he compromise his standards. Wherever he jets off, he always has his "breakfast box" in tow. This includes a variety of dried fruit, honey, and muesli (via YouTube). Regardless of the hour or location, Charles is quite particular. As Christopher Andersen, author of the soon-to-be-released biography "The King: The Life of Charles III," tells Entertainment Tonight, "He wants what he wants when he wants it." Former royal chef Darren McGrady, who recalled serving Charles during Queen Elizabeth's reign, remembers the then-prince of Wales arriving at the queen's royal estate with a "hamper of his own produce" to be prepared for him.

Morning routines are notoriously aligned with productivity and success, and NAMI confirms consistency in the a.m. is a must. Apparently, Charles follows suit by eating plums with just a little juice each morning. According to chef McGrady, Charles was particular about this breakfast, regardless of his hunger level. 

King Charles requires exactly two plums each morning

Every morning, King Charles reportedly requests two plums with a small amount of juice. Despite his persistent request for two plums, he almost always sent the second back. Chef McGrady was tired of repeatedly cleaning up the leftovers, so he once tried preparing a solo plum for the royal. However, the king wasn't having it. Clearly, Charles has a connection to his routine because he sent the footman out to request his second plum, only for it to end up back in the jar by the end of the meal. McGrady likely thought he was doing the king a favor by planning ahead, but he quickly learned that the routine wasn't to be adjusted.

According to Express, King Charles has a handful of very specific requests when it comes to his meals. His royal breakfast isn't up to par until it's perfectly displayed in front of him, silverware and all. Aside from plums, he enjoys toast and butter, but in a far-elevated presentation. Christopher Andersen shares that Charles expects his toast to be served on a silver rack with adorning accouterments, one being three balls of chilled butter. The particulars don't stop there. Along with his cup and saucer meticulously placed to the right, his silver spoon must be "pointing outward at an angle of five o'clock," states Andersen. 
