The Type Of Desserts You Shouldn't Use Frozen Egg Whites For

"The incredible, edible egg" might be a simple tagline dating back to 1977 (via PR Newswire), but if you think about it, eggs really are incredible. What other ingredient could form the basis of so many delicious savory dishes — from soft scrambles to yolky over-easies to hearty Spanish tortilla — as well as provide structure, moisture, and height in so many baked goods (via Sauder's Eggs)?

The versatility offered by this superfood truly boggles the mind, especially when you consider that the egg contains not just one, but two wholly distinct and compositionally different parts: The yolk and the white, of course. Rich in healthy fats and packed with minerals (via Egg Info), egg yolks enrich custardy desserts such as ice cream, lemon curd, and pudding, for example, while low-fat, high-protein egg whites create a stable foam when whipped (via Exploratorium), providing the lift upon which so many sweets, from pavlovas to macaroons to chocolate souffles, depend.

Thawed frozen egg shouldn't be used in angel food cake

Once you separate an egg to accomplish these varied kitchen tasks, you might find yourself with either the yolk or the white leftover. You'll want to use up the former within a couple of days after refrigerating, according to Good Housekeeping, but luckily, egg whites freeze very well, per Pete and Gerry's, lasting up to a year when stored in a reusable container, a Ziploc bag, or when frozen into ice cube trays and transferred into a Ziploc bag.

Keep in mind, however, that thawed frozen egg whites do lose at least some of their capacity to stiffen up when whipped, according to Taste of Home. They might not be as reliable for a meringue or an angel food cake, but will be perfectly suitable for more forgiving desserts such as chocolate mousse — or, of course, a low-cal egg white omelet.
