Connoisseurs Tell Tasting Table Which Alcohol They Prefer Above All Others - Exclusive Survey

At one time or another, we've all played the "if" question game. You know, you answer questions to the effect of, "If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Or "If you had a superpower, what would you want it to be?" The game inspires conversation and forces people to ponder the things they truly want in life. Most people know that they're never seriously going to be faced with these scenarios, and thank goodness for that because, no matter how good it is, no one actually wants to live on pizza for the rest of their life.

We recently got in on the game and asked 588 of our readers to tell us the one alcohol they'd choose if they could only pick one. This poses a tough choice for drinkers as many drinks only seem suited to different scenarios or moods, but of course, there are creative exceptions. For example, there may be nothing better than an ice-cold beer on a sweltering summer day or, conversely, a warming cognac in the middle of a snowy February. Still, when faced with the option of only one alcohol forever, one type was a surprising winner.

Wine wins

Wine was our readers' top pick, raking in 32.1% or 189 votes. This came as a bit of a surprise, considering that a survey by Liquor Laboratory showed that 39% of imbibing Americans prefer beer. But wine consumption is at its highest ever, according to the Wine Institute, reaching an average of 3.18 gallons per person last year. Between 2005 and 2021, wine consumption in the U.S. has increased by 33%. 

But beer was, indeed, high on our reader's list as well, with 18% or 107 readers saying they'd opt for beer for the rest of their lives if they had to choose. Ninety-four readers (16%) chose whiskey, with vodka fans close behind, picking up 92  (or 15.7%) of the votes. Rum showed up on the top choice list, with 57 (9.7%) of votes, while tequila caught the attention of 49 readers (8.3%).

Our survey did not ask about specific wine varietals or brands, but a 2021 New Zealand Trade and Enterprise survey showed that Americans prefer red and white wines just about equally. Cabernet Sauvignon is the most popular option, followed by Chardonnay. Tasting Table readers have indicated that their favorite bargain wine brand is Barefoot, which type of bubbly wine is best, and what boxed wine brand they reach for. Even if most of America is sipping pale ales and porters, and clearly, our readers can't get enough wine.
