You're Probably Flipping Pancakes Harder Than You Should Be

Of all the great food debates out there, pancakes versus waffles is likely one of the most contested, at least when it comes to American breakfast food. While we, a dedicated foodie website, could never choose between these two beloved breakfast foods, we understand the reasoning on both sides.

When it comes to texture, we have to call a draw. Pancakes are satisfyingly fluffy, but waffles have an extra fun crunch. And, while pancakes are essential for a perfect at-home brunch, waffles are much easier to eat on the go. However, there is one area where we have to agree waffles takes the win, and that's the preparation process. I think we all can agree that waffles are a much easier breakfast food to throw together. Simply dumping the batter into a waffle maker is hard to beat, especially since pancakes require a bit of skill when it comes to flipping them. From timing to technique, it can be a bit overwhelming, especially for those non-morning people out there.

So, if your aversion to flipping pancakes has turned you into a waffle person, we can't blame you. But, we do come bearing a tip that can help you fall back in love with your Sunday morning pancakes.

Don't use your wrist

It's very likely that the reason your pancake batter is splattering everywhere when you flip it is because your flipping motion is too harsh. Most people, whether they realize it or not, use their wrist to turn the spatula over. The dramatic rotation of your wrist not only causes you to lose control, but you lift the pancake higher above the griddle, causing the batter to splatter everywhere and ruining your perfectly circular pancake.

The easiest fix for this, as The Pancake Parlor's informational Tik Tok points out, is to use your index finger and thumb together to do the heavy lifting. Lift up the pancake onto the spatula and use these two fingers to flip the spatula gently over with one quick motion, allowing the pancake to land perfectly mess-free.

So, if your unease with flipping is the reason you became a devout waffle eater, we encourage you to give pancakes another try while keeping this trick in mind.
