Doritos Just Announced A Bold New BBQ Flavor For 2023

Doritos are easily one of the most popular chip brands in the United States, and there are certainly the numbers to establish the fan favorite as a top pick when it comes to snacking. According to Statista, 99.67 million Americans ate Doritos in 2020, and some 6.65 million people consumed at least eight bags of Doritos that same year. That's a lot of Doritos for one nation to go through. 

While Nacho Cheese Doritos, introduced back in 1972, remain the best-selling flavor of the chip brand, according to Mexi-Cali Blue, there have been many popular flavor options over the years — from Cool Ranch, Taco, and Salsa Verde to Blazin' Buffalo & Ranch, Tapatío, and Poppin' Jalapeño.

There are also some flavors that have come and gone. These discontinued Doritos flavors include Sour Cream and Onion, Late Night All-Nighter Cheeseburger, and Jumpin' Jack Cheese.

But the quest for new flavors can never stop, and to kick off the new year, Doritos is rolling out a bold new bite.

This is where you can find the new Doritos flavor

Following tangy flavor additions Tangy Ranch, Tangy Pickle, and Tangy Tamarind, Doritos is ringing in 2023 with a new offering: Sweet & Tangy BBQ. According to a press release shared with Tasting Table, Doritos claims the chips will have all the sweetness, tanginess, and spices to elevate Sweet and Tangy BBQ Doritos to rival other barbecue chips. 

It may only be January, but it's never too soon to be thinking about BBQ, Doritos reminds us. That's why you can already get your hands on this new flavor. A 19.375-ounce bag of Doritos new Sweet & Tangy BBQ flavor is currently listed on the Sam's Club website for $4.48. According to the press release received by Tasting Table, the new flavor of Doritos will also be available at major retailers across the country and on The suggested retail price for these outlets is $5.59. 
