After Selling Out In Just 3 Days Milk Bar's Popular Pancake Cake Is Back

When celeb chef, cookbook author, and the founder/CEO of Milk Bar bakeries, Christina Tosi made an appearance on NBC's TODAY on January 4, 2022, even she may have been surprised by the results. Tosi was featured to share tips on creating gorgeous, decadent layer cakes, and featured in the article is one of Milk Bar's newest offerings, the Pancake Cake, which TimeOut described as "pancakes galore" with flavors of brown sugar and maple.

Tosi said the new Milk Bar dessert was "inspired by what I'm craving right now, which is a cozy diner stack of pancakes," and she added that the cake could be found at her Milk Bar bakeries or shipped via the website. And oh, did people order cakes! According to Milk Bar, the cake sold out completely in a matter of days. However, those of us who weren't fortunate enough to snag one of the Pancake Cakes in its limited 2022 run may still be in luck.

Milk Bar's Pancake Cake is back for a super limited time

We count on Christina Tosi for baking advice like using clear vanilla extract for certain recipes and making layer cakes in sheet pans, then cutting rings out for stacking neat layers. And while Milk Bar is crystal clear that the Pancake Cake is back for just a brief reappearance, we're stoked about the 6-inch cake they describe as "layers of fluffy pancake cake, brown sugar cinnamon cookie butter, maple syrup glaze, brown butter crumb, and a generous slab of *butter* on top." Milk Bar's Pancake Cake can be ordered online and costs $62.

If you're not fortunate enough to get your own stacked Pancake Cake, Milk Bar has plenty of other treats available, including its First Bite Club subscription delivery, which begins deliveries in January 2023, and, we learned, includes Chocolate Chip Pancake Truffles in its first sweet shipment. While the subscription list is full as of today, there's a space to add your email address so you can be notified when there's an opening for you. As for the Pancake Cake, if you're interested, don't wait around. If the last run was any indication, this short stack won't last for long.
