Italy's Coccoi E Corcoriga Flatbread Made Almost Entirely Of Vegetables

Traveling to Italy means you're sure to come home with a whole collection of memories, photos, or recipes for incredible dishes that the country offers. When you think of visiting Italy, you might think of wines, gobbling up pizza in Naples or pasta in Rome, but the lesser-traveled island of Sardinia is a strong contender for incredibly appetizing and unique eats.

American tourists don't often travel to Sardinia when visiting Italy because it's remote and harder to get to than the mainland. That has rapidly changed over the last few years as more and more people have discovered its beautiful seaside communities that serve incredible seafood — tuna reigns supreme — and gorgeous inland countryside that houses many Agriturismos.

The island of Sardinia is also home to a delicious snack that you've probably never heard of. This aperitivo-style dish has the texture of a flatbread but is made of mostly vegetables. Turns out Sardinia's best-kept secret might not be the stunning, pristine turquoise waters or gorgeous seaside cliffs. Allow us to introduce you to a Sardinian snack called coccoi e corcoriga.

A classic Sardinian snack

Unless you have visited Sardinia on holiday or are from there, you might not have known about this tasty treat until now. To make coccoi e corcoriga at home, you'll need a few different types of raw veggies, a cheese grater, olive oil, grated or shredded Parmigiano Reggiano, tomato paste, and a bit of all-purpose flour.

First, grate about 14 ounces or 1 ¾ cup of raw butternut squash. Then grate a large zucchini, and half a large white or yellow onion. Add ½ a cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano, three tablespoons of your favorite tomato paste, two tablespoons of olive oil, and salt and pepper to taste. For extra flavor, you can add a few pinches of chopped basil or chopped parsley.

Once you mix this all together, you'll start adding a bit of all-purpose flour to the bowl while stirring. Add flour only until the mixture reaches the consistency of a loose dough. Spread the mixture onto a wax paper-lined sheet pan and bake at 395 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes, checking at the 30-minute mark. You're looking for the mixture to crisp up and get golden brown but not burn.

Once cooked you can cut the flatbread up however you like and eat it hot or at room temperature. This delicious treat doesn't store very well due to the nature of cooked squash's texture so consider enjoying it right after you make it. If you can't make it to Sardinia this year, this tasty treat might be the next best thing.
