If You're Not Putting Tajín On Watermelon Slices, What Are You Doing?

Watermelon is one of summer's greatest treats. There is nothing quite like diving into a crisp, juicy slice when the temperature is sky-high; it's incredibly cooling, thirst-quenching, and satisfying. While a perfectly ripe chunk of watermelon needs nothing at all, that doesn't mean adding a sprinkle of a classic Mexican spice blend is a bad idea. We'll even go further to say that it's something that you should be doing.

Some people swear by adding salt to fresh watermelon, claiming that it brings out the sweetness of the fruit. Others drizzle fresh lemon or lime juice on top to create the same effect. Well, you can easily make that sugar shine with both as Tajín includes (among other things) salt and dehydrated lime juice. The seasoning blend also features dried red chilies, which provide just a touch of heat to complement the sweetness. Tajín's ingredients make for a lip-smacking seasoning that gives anything you sprinkle it on the perfect, mouth-puckering punch. And it won't be lonely for summer grill-offs, as you can use it to season meat, poultry or fish, rim glasses for Bloody Mary's or Micheladas, or give elotes a special touch. But enjoying it on watermelon might just be what Tajín was born to do.

Find your taste for Tajín

A little Tajín goes a long way, so you don't need more than a light sprinkle of it to enhance your watermelon, although some won't mind a heavier dose. It's best to start small and build up to your preferred amount. What you'll experience is an enlivening flavor involving all those pleasant taste factors: sweet, salty, sour, and spicy. Don't think you have to stop at watermelons, either. Tajín is wonderful on pineapple, mango, papaya, cantaloupe and other melons, cucumber, jicama, and a combination of all of these at once.

In Mexico, it's common to find fruit stands that sell a variety of chopped fresh fruits sprinkled with lime juice and Tajín seasoning to customers who want a refreshing and delicious snack. The fruit typically comes in cups or on skewers so it can be eaten on the go. Tajín has gained such a following that the tangy condiment even comes in mini bottles, perfect for tucking into your purse or pocket. Why not take one on your summer farmers market treks to sprinkle on those samples of farm fresh watermelons?
