Why You Should Get Light Ice In Your Next Iced Coffee At Starbucks

It's a struggle being a slow coffee drinker. Not only do you forgo that instant jolt of caffeine that comes with downing your java, but if you're a Starbucks iced coffee aficionado, your ice may melt after sitting out for a few hours. No one likes watered-down coffee, so if you find yourself drinking diluted cups of joe day after day, try ordering your drink with light ice. 

Not only will you get less watery filler, but most baristas will supplement the ice with more java to fill your cup to the top — making this a win-win. Also, it may be a more affordable order. If you ask for your drink to be a size down with light ice, you may end up getting the amount of coffee you actually want, just at a lower price. And if you take your sweet time drinking your morning cup of joe, it will taste more like coffee a few hours in.

Order light ice to get more coffee

Ordering less ice is simple enough. You can ask for it in person at a store. Or, when ordering through the Starbucks app, select the "light ice" option on the dropdown add-ins menu. If you really want to control the amount of ice that goes into your cup, you also have the option of asking for a drink with no ice and a cup of ice on the side. And to really maximize your cup space, try ordering a cold brew with no ice, which should be served cold since it's steeped in the fridge for 20 hours – just keep in mind it will warm up faster without ice cubes.

Starbucks baristas also recommend being specific with how much ice you want. One commenter on Reddit explained that they learn in training that light ice means using the amount for the next size down – so for a grande drink, a tall-sized scoop of ice. But a few factors can affect what you actually get: Maybe the barista forgot to reduce the scoop size or were using an iced coffee pitcher that already had ice in it. To avoid any miscommunication, try asking for the yellow scoop of ice, which is typically the smallest one. However, this can vary by store (the yellow size is also used for smoothies), so a safer bet may be asking for the smallest-size scoop of ice possible. 
