Trader Joe's Pesto Recall: The Allergy Risks To Know

If you've shopped recently at a Trader Joe's in Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, or Washington and purchased Trader Joe's Genova Pesto, be aware that certain batches of this product are subject to a recall. This week, the manufacturer of the products, Bakkavor USA (in cooperation with Trader Joe's and the FDA) are bringing to consumers' attention the inclusion of two potential allergens (milk and walnuts) in these packaged products. Those with allergies to these ingredients (particularly tree nuts) can suffer symptoms up to and including serious or fatal anaphylaxis if consumed.

The FDA recall alert notes that the lids, which are labeled as the Genova Pesto sauce, correctly identify its contents, but that the tubs themselves are labeled Hummus Dip. Since the tubs' ingredient list, legally mandated allergen declarations, and nutritional information refer to Hummus Dip and not pesto sauce, the packaging is misleading and potentially dangerous for those that can't consume pesto. 

We'll let you know what to watch for and do in response if you think you are in possession of any of these mislabeled products. 

Pesto sauce recall details

The recalled tubs were distributed between April 28, 2023, and April 30, 2023 and bear the UPC lot number 0015 7353; you will also see on the bottom of the tub a Use By Date of 05/27/2023, along with a time stamp ranging between 06:28 – 07:07. So if you shopped at Trader Joe's in one of the aforementioned states on or after April 28, check to make sure you don't have any in your possession.

If you do, you must neither consume the contents if you have a milk or walnut allergy nor serve the contents to anyone with the same. Full refunds on all returns are being honored at Trader Joe's. As of May 9, no one has reported any adverse reaction or illness as a result of consuming the contents of these tubs, and all such tubs have been pulled from stores. An investigation as to what caused the error is underway. Questions may be directed to Bakkavor USA at (855) 321-7504 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST. 
