The Decorative Addition You Need When Chilling Food In Ice Bowls

The ice you set shrimp cocktail on top of to serve to guests before the main meal begins is important, but it doesn't always look the most appealing, especially on a warm summer's day. When fresh out of the freezer, ice can make a good Instagram shot immediately after plating food, but when left out in the sun or on a countertop, ice cubes present hosts with the added challenge of changing and replenishing presentations so guests remain attracted by carefully served appetizers.

Whether you're offering deviled eggs or organizing cups of cubed fruit you'd like to keep cool for guests to enjoy, there's a better way to plate chilled food than having to deal with melted ice cubes. Layering the right kind of leaves on top of a spread of ice can help keep hors d'oeuvres platters looking more presentable for longer, giving you more time to mingle with guests and take care of other hosting responsibilities.

Turning vegetables into centerpieces

Butterhead lettuce, cabbage leaves, and kale are a few of the ingredients that are thick and dense enough to cradle plated items of food while resting on top of bags of ice. Boston bib lettuce, romaine hearts, and jicama wraps can also be layered with ease. Since no guest will see what is hiding beneath the leaves of your greens, you can fill sealable plastic bags with ice cubes, place these in the bottom of a bowl, then spread the chosen ingredients on top to cover any trace of the ice-filled bags. 

Once the decorative vegetables have concealed the ice at the bottom of your serving platter, you can set your appetizers on top and present an aesthetically-pleasing dish with confidence. Food will stay chilled, your pretty dish will remain presentable throughout the evening, and you can go about mixing drinks without having to worry about changing ice or draining melted water before dinner is served.
