The Trick For Cooking The Best Folded Eggs

Scrambled eggs differ around the world, and in Australia, folded eggs fill plates across picturesque brunch tables. Nothing quite compares to a plate of golden, buttery eggs that have been folded to perfection. Unless, of course, you add toast and avocado to the dish. Making your own folded eggs, however, requires a specific technique. After all, you want your eggs to be folded, not scrambled, in a circular, omelet-like structure. Given this consistency, folded eggs are often considered to be a hybrid between omelets and scrambled eggs. 

To achieve this unique shape and texture, it's best to focus on the temperature of your pan and move quickly. The secret to perfectly folded eggs is to get — and keep — your pan hot. High heat does the trick; it guarantees that your eggs will cook efficiently and be ready for breakfast in a mere matter of minutes. As for what, exactly, to do once your pan is sizzling? The process to cooking folded eggs is twofold. 

Let your eggs sit over high heat before you grab your spatula

Folded eggs are multi-faceted. They combine the circular, folded shape of omelets with the fluffiness of scrambled eggs, so it's no surprise that making them involves a two-step cooking process. To make your own folded eggs, start by whisking your eggs with heavy cream, as well as some salt and pepper. Some recipes also include an extra egg yolk, but the choice is yours. From there, you should heat butter on the stove — again, over high heat — and pour your egg mixture into the pan. Once you've gotten your eggs on the stove, it's time to address the first step of the folded egg cooking process: Don't touch them. You want your egg mixture to sit on the heat undisturbed for about 20 seconds. You'll have to keep both your patience and restless hands at bay, no matter how tempting your spatula may be. 

When that time has elapsed, only then should you grab your rubber spatula. You'll want to move your eggs in a circular motion around your pan until they've cooked, but still maintain a slightly wet-looking texture. Less than one minute later, your eggs should be ready, fluffy, and, well, folded. 
