The 'Wine Flu' Is Real But Extra Hydrating Can Help You Combat It

If you've woken up the morning after a wedding, or any event that involved a fair amount of wine drinking, you've likely experienced the following symptoms: headache, fatigue, sore throat, nausea, light sensitivity, dehydration, mood swings, and muscle aches. If you thought you were coming down with the flu, you were half right. Instead of actual flu — you know, the kind that leaves you bedridden for days on end — this type of flu can be completely avoided in the first place. It's called "wine flu," but you might know it by another name. 

Yes, wine flu is really nothing more than a hangover. The main difference is that the majority, if not all, of the drinking involved in the previous night's activities was wine as opposed to other types of alcohol. Known to be one of the more dehydrating alcohols due to its higher sulfate levels, wine, like all booze, affects the body's vasopressin. This means you'll have to urinate more, therefore reducing your body's water levels and leading to dehydration.

Since it is never fun to wake up feeling like you've been done in by an angry toddler with a frying pan, there is a way to actually avoid the symptoms of wine flu even in the midst of your frivolity. You just need to make sure you're matching your water intake with your wine intake.

How to avoid wine flu

Avoiding wine flu is really very simple. First off, you could avoid drinking wine altogether. While this is easier said than done for most of us, it really is the only surefire way to not get a hangover. Drinking in excess is also never advisable in any situation. However, there is a healthy balance you can strike. You need to stay hydrated to combat the worst effects of wine flu. You therefore need to strike a balance between your water and wine intake. 

Choosing the right kind of wine is a great first step. This is not always possible, but the lighter and more acidic the wine, the easier it will be to combat wine flu. This is because heavy red wines have congener compounds, which have been linked to those pesky hangover effects. So, opt for dry red wines, or the more acidic rosé and white wines

As far as your water intake is concerned, you should be drinking one glass of water per glass of wine. Not only will this encourage you to drink less wine, but it will actually keep you far more hydrated than you otherwise would have been. And the more hydrated you are, the less you are going to have to worry about having wine flu in the morning. That is not only great for you and your body, but for everyone else around you too.
