Use Cooking Spray In Your Freezer To Prevent Ice Buildup

Frosty build-up in the freezer is never fun — unless you're a kid and you like to scrape it off and eat it like snow. No judgment; at least it isn't yellow. But if you find this essential appliance has so much ice on the walls it is crowding your freezer so you can't organize your food properly, we have a cooking spray hack for you. To get rid of those snow drift-like layers before they even happen — or at the very least make them easier to clean up — break out the Pam, or whatever nonstick spray you have on hand, and amply coat the walls with it. 

While this may sound like a greasy and gross solution, it works. Of course, if you enjoy spending hours de-icing your freezer, then skip the spray; however, if you try this hack, you will want to leave the spray for a few minutes before cleaning it off with a microfiber towel. The results will even have Penn & Teller questioning your magic.

Check your freezer's temperature setting

But there really isn't any magic to it. Ice simply can't stick to walls because of the age-old science you learned as a kid: Water and oil do not mix; they separate. Pro tip: Use unflavored cooking spray so your freezer doesn't smell like butter and so the artificial color used to make it doesn't coat your freezer walls as well. If you prefer not to use cooking spray but still want to try this trick, you can use glycerin and it will have the same effect.

You may also want to examine why your freezer is creating this winter wonderland where you are trying to preserve foods for later use. Generally, if you find that your freezer is getting the snow effect on its walls, it may mean you have it set too low. It is recommended that you keep it at 0 degrees Fahrenheit so that foods stay frozen until you are ready to use them.
