How To Shop Smart At The Grocery Store, According To Jeremy Scheck - Exclusive

Jeremy Scheck is a Tiktok sensation with a mission to bring relatable, delicious, and accessible cooking techniques to his massive following of home chefs. We recently spoke with Scheck in advance of the launch of his new cookbook "ScheckEats  Cooking Smarter" for an exclusive interview with Tasting Table, where he shared his favorite tips for shopping economically at the grocery store. 


Scheck's primary guidance is to plan your meals around your go-to kitchen staples  the items you always keep stocked in your pantry for ease of use and readiness. For Scheck, some of those staples include olive oil and soy sauce, ingredients he uses with such frequency that every time he observes that the bottles are running low, he restocks them so that he never runs out. But few meals can be made exclusively with condiments, so Scheck then turns to what he calls his "star ingredient"  the protein or produce that will be the center of the meal. 

At the grocery store, Scheck asks himself a few basic questions: "What staples am I out of?" And then, "What looks good? What's on offer? What's in season?" Buying seasonal produce is an excellent way to save money during your shopping trip as well as to buy and consume the freshest and most nutritious ingredients. 


A trip to the farmer's market

Jeremy Scheck's favorite place to shop for "star ingredients" is his local farmer's market. Farmer's markets are excellent places to procure local and seasonal produce that is usually free of pesticides and chemicals. You'll likely also notice that the produce at farmer's markets is generally fresher than the produce you might find at your local grocery store because it's been recently harvested, hasn't been stored or frozen, and is coming to you directly from the grower. Meat lovers, rejoice. Farmer's markets aren't just great places to shop for produce; they often also include excellent options for locally-raised poultry or cattle to choose from. 


During his weekly shopping trips, Scheck focuses on purchasing a selection of star vegetables and star proteins that will round out the meals he plans to make for the week. "Whether it's a piece of meat that looks good, or tofu, or anything that catches my eye, or that might be in season," Scheck adds. The majority of recipes in "ScheckEats  Cooking Smarter" can be made with pantry staples and one or two star ingredients, so you won't have to make an additional trip to the market just to enjoy a home-cooked meal.

Keep up with all things Jeremy Scheck and ScheckEats on Instagram and TikTok. "ScheckEats — Cooking Smarter" is now available for purchase here

