The Adorable Reason Scooter's Coffee Cups Have A Smiley Sticker

Starbucks may write your name on your coffee cup but Scooter's Coffee's drive-thru which has been around since 1998 is all about the stickers. When you order your favorite drink from the Nebraska-birthed coffee chain, one of the hallmarks of its cups is a happy face sticker. According to Scooter's website, the founder, Linda Eckles wanted to give her customers a little extra encouragement to "Have an amazing day!" The vibes it invokes are real. When your server hands you your cup, it almost feels like you are back in grade school and got a hundred on a test and the teacher put a sticker on it.

Eckles' efforts worked because customers have said it makes their day more special wrapping their hands around their morning happiness. Eckles got the idea after working the drive-thru of Scooter's Coffee's first location. She wanted it to be an outward-facing message of their friendly and fast service.

Mood enhancer

Since first implementing the sticker, Scooter's Coffee has continued the trend and even changed the stickers with the seasons. One satisfied customer on Facebook wrote: "I always get the best smiles from the Scooters in South OKC!! Love the Caramelicous blended with an extra shot!" While most people are happy if their coffee cup doesn't disintegrate or leak all over the place before they can get every last drop, coffee cups are an important part of the morning, afternoon, or evening ritual and there may just be something to those stickers and doodles.

At a Starbucks in Canada, there is a barista who draws caricatures of the customers on their cups within 30 seconds. Customers love it and have expressed how it makes them happy after a tough day. These little details go a long way with customers and can really make a difference. In fact, there is research that indicates art, in all of its many forms, be it stickers, caricatures, or a full-on Monet, can curb stress and improve your mood.