Is It Dangerous To Eat The Bones In Canned Salmon?

Canned salmon is a popular choice for many who seek a convenient and nutritious addition to their meals. This pantry staple is not only affordable and easy to store, but it also brings a wealth of nutritional benefits to the table. It's full of proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and various vitamins and minerals. However, a common query among eaters concerns the bones often found in this canned seafood. Are they safe to eat, or should they be avoided? The short answer is that the bones in canned salmon are completely safe to eat. 


During the seafood canning process, the fish is cooked at high temperatures, a procedure that softens the bones significantly. This process makes them much different from the bones you might encounter in fresh fish, which can be hazardous and pose a choking risk. The bones in canned salmon don't carry such dangers. They are so soft and easily chewed that they're often unnoticeable when mixed into dishes. Hence, there's no need to worry about them getting stuck in your throat or causing any internal harm. But besides being safe, eating the bones in canned salmon is actually beneficial.

The benefits of eating the bones in canned salmon

Eating the bones in canned salmon isn't just a matter of safety; it's also about nutrition. Salmon bones are a fantastic source of calcium, which, according to Healthline, is a mineral crucial for maintaining strong and healthy bones and teeth and ensuring the proper functioning of the heart, muscles, and nerves. In fact, the calcium content in canned salmon bones can be quite significant, sometimes even surpassing that of dairy products like milk, making it an excellent choice for those looking to increase their calcium intake.


However, if the idea of eating bones still doesn't appeal to you, there are options. You can mash them into the fish with a fork, making them indiscernible in the texture. This is a good approach for those who want the nutritional benefits without the psychological barrier of eating bones. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can pick out the bones. They are typically large enough to be easily removed using a pair of tweezers, allowing you to enjoy the salmon without them. Or, better still, you can purchase the boneless, skinless canned salmons for a more hassle-free dining experience.

