Dilute Canned Evaporated Milk For A Quick Substitute In Your Coffee Or Oatmeal

If you run out of milk, don't panic. As long as you have canned evaporated milk in your pantry, you have all you need to add a similar dairy ingredient to coffee or oatmeal. Most of us may not think to stock up on cans of evaporated milk, but there are plenty of good reasons to do so. While an average carton of milk can only last a week or so in the fridge once you buy it, the canned version is shelf-stable and will typically stay fresh in your pantry for at least six months.


Not to be confused with condensed milk, which has added sweetener, canned evaporated milk is simply a concentrated version of the drink. The process for making it involves removing about 60% of the water from regular milk, emulsifying the fat, and sterilizing the liquid. So, if you want to get the consistency of regular milk, all you have to do is add the water back in and dilute it. You won't have to run out to the store as soon as you wake up, and you can forget about these cans for months until you actually need them.

How to use evaporated milk

If it's a weekday morning and you're cracking open a can of evaporated milk to add some creaminess to your coffee or oatmeal, here's what to do: First, select the canned milk that fits your taste buds in the first place. There are whole, low-fat, and non-fat types of evaporated milk available. In general, the more fat a can has, the longer it will last, with some unopened cans even staying fresh for up to two years. To dilute yours, just combine equal parts of the evaporated liquid and water. The result is ideal for dumping into foods that don't depend on exact measurements since your diluted milk may not work as an exact substitution for regular milk in all baking recipes.


It's worth noting that you don't have to water down your can. On its own, evaporated milk is thick and creamy, making it an excellent replacement for half and half or creamer in your coffee or tea. You can also experiment with adding it to smoothies, milkshakes, soup, or pasta sauces, although you'll want to use less than you would with regular milk. However you deploy it, keep in mind that an opened can will only last for five days in an airtight container in the fridge.

