How To Properly Store Goat Cheese So It Doesn't Dry Out

Goat cheese, with its creamy texture and unique tang, has earned its rightful place in the hearts of food enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you're a fan of the soft and spreadable variety or prefer the crumbly allure of hard goat cheese, proper storage is key to preserving its fresh, distinctive flavors. Thus, analyzing the art of storing goat cheese, with tips tailored for both soft and hard varieties, is imperative.


Soft goat cheese, known for its velvety texture, is a delectable addition to salads, pastas, or simply spread on crusty bread. However, it's also prone to drying out and losing its lusciousness. To keep soft goat cheese fresh and creamy, tightly wrap the cheese in aluminum foil to seal it and prevent air exposure, which can lead to drying.

For extra protection, place the wrapped cheese in an airtight plastic container, squeezing out as much air as possible before sealing. Keep your soft goat cheese away from the coldest part of your fridge to slow down any potential spoilage. With proper storage, soft goat cheese is best enjoyed within a week or two of opening the package.

How to store hard goat cheeses

On the opposite side of goat cheese varieties, hard goat cheese, often aged to perfection, offers a crumbly, complex flavor profile. Despite textural differences and resilience to drying out compared to its soft counterpart, hard goat cheese still requires proper storage to maintain its quality.


To preserve the appeal of hard goat cheese, use parchment or wax paper to wrap the cheese after each use. Avoid plastic wrap, as it can create a moist environment that encourages mold growth. Moreover, keep your hard goat cheese in the refrigerator's vegetable crisper drawer or in a dedicated cheese drawer for the best storage option. Periodically inspect the cheese for mold growth, and if you spot any gray or brown mold, simply trim it away with a knife (yellow or pink mold, however, is cause for concern). 

The longer you store hard goat cheese, the more intense its flavors become. Allow it to age to your preferred taste — usually from three to four weeks. By following these storage tips, you can savor the caprine charm of goat cheese at its freshest — whether you prefer it soft or hard, crumbly or creamy.


