Your Coffee Preferences Could Actually Indicate The Kind Of Wine You'll Like

Although typically consumed at opposite ends of the day, coffee and wine have many qualities in common. Both are fruit-based beverages grown in select regions, with the soil, processing, and climate impacting the result. Their showcase of terroir is enjoyed in a similar way: In an open glass with aroma and mouthfeel involved in addition to the taste. And then there's their chemical composition; both contain hundreds of compounds responsible for flavor. No surprise the two beverages take on similar tasting rituals.


As a result, it becomes evident how preferences in coffee can dictate wine tastes, too. Palates gravitate to certain qualities, be it the easy-drinking nature of a milk latte or the acidity of a strong cold brew. With wine's complex and varied array of choices, you could use your coffee preferences to guide you toward particular styles of wine. Considering your morning coffee's tasting notes is a great starting point for finding the ideal bottle to open come evening time.

Preferences in coffee flavor translate to wine varieties

The easiest matches are for coffee drinkers fond of particularly bold styles. Those who take their coffee sweetened logically prefer more sugar-filled wines, like a Reisling or perhaps even a richer dessert wine. Meanwhile, lovers of espresso tend to be on the opposite end of the spectrum. They'll love red wines rich in tannins and acidity like Italian Chianti or Nebbiolo.


However, beyond these bold polarities, many more delicate delineations exist, too. Say one loves filter coffees with citrusy notes, like those sourced from Ethiopia, then there's merit to trying white wines with tangy palates, like a Chablis or perhaps a Sauvignon Blanc for a grassier note. Meanwhile, those who favor a more traditional roasted, black coffee palate may well enjoy sipping on a bold and lively Cabernet Sauvignon.

In addition to these flavor-based correlations, there are parallels in other factors, too. Thinking of mouthfeel, lovers of carbonated caffeinated beverages may be drawn to sparkling wines. Fans of offbeat fermentation will love the crossover between naturally-processed coffees and the aptly named natural wines. But, of course, don't limit yourself to stringent correlations; both wine and coffee offer a world of complexity, and the interconnection of the two beverages is expansive.


