Flat 7UP Is The Unusual Drink That Can Cure Your St. Patrick's Day Hangover

In those first slow hours upon waking when you start to question your drinking choices, there's one beverage you can reach for without hesitation. Should you find yourself celebrating on the Emerald Isle on St. Patrick's Day, don't be surprised when a bubbleless soda is passed to you in the morning. 7UP — specifically, flat 7UP — has been embraced as something of a cure-all in Ireland. And if anyone knows anything about hangover cures, certainly it must be the Irish. The fact that the 7UP can is green plays well into the overall theme, after all. 


Threads on Quora and Reddit are devoted to testimonials of successful attempts at banishing hangovers with fizzless 7UP, and many keyboard warriors remain adamant that flat 7UP can relieve anything from upset stomachs to high temperatures. Admittedly, the lemon-lime flavor can be a refreshing palate cleanser after a long night, and the non-caffeinated beverage can offer a gentle pick-me-up for those struggling in the morning. When you're hesitating to chug water, flat soda offers an alternative with a hint of sugar that can help you feel human again. 

The hangover cure of the Irish

Though researchers have failed to substantiate any claim that 7UP does, indeed, help cure hangovers (and science also debunks most other hangover cures), the lack of hard evidence has stopped few from participating in the morning-after ritual. 7UP has taken the old wives' tale and run with it, offering a recipe for what it calls The Cure made with green and orange juices, vodka, 7UP, and lime to be mixed and served on those particularly slow and hazy mornings. This colorful combination might be a bit much for those who are really struggling, but after a few sips, you may feel ready to head out for a meal to banish your hangover and do it all over again.


As you go about making St. Patrick's Day plans, pick up a carton of 7UP to flatten out and have at the ready. Even if you do have some memories you'd rather forget, your hungover self will be grateful for your prudent foresight as you stare into the bottom of your flat drink, as this flat soda is not meant to be thrown away. If you forget to open up a can in advance to let sit and air out, you can heat fresh 7UP to remove some of the fizz, pour it over ice, or set a paper towel into a glass of the bubbly soda. For those with raging headaches, a quick splash of hot water can also turn down the noise of the fizz so you can get to sipping and feeling better stat.

