Why Busch Light Is Literally The Last Beer You Should Settle For

In a definitive Tasting Table ranking of 40 popular beer brands, Busch Light came in last place, and there's a reason why we named it the worst. If your all-time favorite tasting notes are "skunky" and "watery," then Busch Light is 100% the beer for you. It totes a pretty low-key, straightforward ingredients lineup of water, barley, corn grits, and hops for a less bready flavor than classic Busch — a solid low-carb option for a domestic macro beer.

Still, if Anheuser-Busch is the parent company, then Busch Light is the prodigal son, minus the dramatic redemption arc. Aside from Natural Light, it's easily the most universally dogged-upon beer brand on the contemporary market. Much like the obnoxiously large cans of Foster's (which is not "Australian for beer" after all), it's super cost-effective and the comical appeal is free. But, at the end of the day, Busch Light doesn't taste very good, has an ultra-thin mouthfeel, and is undrinkable once the can warms up above 40 degrees.

A 12-pack of Busch Light may cost $10.99 at a Target in New York, but 12-packs of Miller and Coors Light both run for $12.99, and it might be the most worthwhile extra $2 you ever spend. For super thrifty sippers, a 12-pack of PBR (not a light beer but still in the bad-good beer camp) is just $9.99. (Labatt Blue Light is the best light beer of 'em all if you ask this writer, but whatever.)

If you like it, then that's all that counts ... we guess

All this is to say that Busch Light is the last beer you should settle for — unless you aren't settling. Diehard fans who truly enjoy drinking it will likely admit that Busch Light is not a good beer, per se, but that doesn't stop it from being an "awesome" beer. Quality and appeal are not to be conflated here.

The beer is characteristically watery, but not everyone wants to trudge through a milkshake-adjacent Guinness every time five o'clock rolls around. For folks accustomed to bolder flavored brews, Busch Light probably seems pretty different, and it is. Yet, an affordable American lager is certainly not without its charms: Many fans praise Busch Light for its ability to be consumed quickly and in mass quantities.

One recent video on the brand's Instagram depicts a blue and yellow macaw opening a can of Busch with its beak. This is what the Busch Light dogma is all about: casual friendliness and accessibility. The beer, once again, does not taste good. But, in the Busch Light world, the pace is slow, and there's always an open lawn chair beside a friend ready to crack a cold one. To be clear, if you can opt for literally any other light beer, then you absolutely should. Still, if you choose to enter the Busch Light sphere (even just for an afternoon), your $3 tallboy comes with a dose of laid-back ideology for free.
