24 Trader Joe's Yogurts, Ranked Worst To Best

Yogurt may not necessarily be at the top of your list when you head to Trader Joe's for a weekly grocery haul, but nonetheless, the ever-popular grocery store does offer a plethora of dairy-laden goods. Whether you stick with regular yogurt or enjoy sour-tasting Greek yogurt, there's a little something for everyone in Trader Joe's dairy section in terms of yogurt flavors and styles.

Since there are so many yogurt options to choose from, we've selected 24 of them and put them to the ultimate test — a ranking to determine which Trader Joe's yogurts are superior, and which ones should've never seen the light of day. Many of these yogurts are similar in price and ingredients — particularly the protein-packed Trader Joe's Greek yogurts — so my ranking methodology primarily comes down to flavor (do they actually taste good?) as well as texture, because some of them are creamy dreams whereas others are soupy messes.

24. Guava Passion Fruit Greek Whole Milk Yogurt

Perfumy, sickly sweet, and just plain weird — there was virtually nothing to like about Trader Joe's guava passion fruit Greek yogurt. Instead of being a cup of tropical paradise, this was just a cup of soupy nonsense that doesn't represent its alleged fruit flavorings of guava and passion fruit very well.

I was anticipating some light, mellow flavors from this yogurt, perhaps with hints of citrus. Instead, the taste was a little too heavy-handed for me to enjoy, and the combination of guava and passion fruit creates more of a flavor dissonance than a harmony. Though you may enjoy this flavor if you really enjoy either fruit, this soupy-sweet concoction is by far the worst of Trader Joe's sampled yogurt lineup. 

23. Bananas & Cream Yogurt

Bananas are a tasty fruit on their own, but for some reason, that sweet, mellow flavor seldom transfers well to banana-flavored products. Unfortunately, such a sentiment can be said for Trader Joe's bananas and cream yogurt cup, which has that artificial banana flavor that just isn't super palatable. 

The only perk to this yogurt is that it does have a creamy texture, but I'd rather it have no flavor at all than have an overwhelmingly fake banana flavor. To add insult to injury, this variety comes in a package with a much more desirable strawberry-flavored yogurt, so this banana flavor is outshined by a landslide. 

22. Icelandic Style Skyr Lowfat Raspberry Yogurt

As a fan of all things raspberry, both the fruit itself and raspberry-flavored products, I had high hopes for all of the Trader Joe's raspberry yogurts on this list. Some varieties were pretty tasty, but the low-fat Icelandic-style skyr raspberry yogurt definitely wasn't. Though it was thick and creamy, the raspberry flavor was nowhere to be found, which left me feeling deprived with each bite.

Instead of including actual raspberry flavor in the mix, this yogurt is just super sour and almost bitter on the palate. Sure, raspberries can be sour and tart, but they also have a juicy sweetness that helps counteract these flavors, which this yogurt was harshly lacking. 

21. Organic Creamy Cashew Cultured Yogurt Alternative, Strawberry

Let's just preface the topic of Trader Joe's Organic Creamy Cashew yogurts by saying that it's great to have vegan yogurt options, and it's pretty hard to be a dairy-free alternative ranked amidst a sea of dairy-laden competition. Nonetheless, in my opinion, no, the strawberry cashew yogurt wasn't very tasty, nor did it live up to the "creamy" claim in its name.

The biggest issue with this yogurt isn't necessarily its soupy nature — it's that the strawberry flavor clashes with the cashew aftertaste, and the alleged coconut cream addition is nowhere to be found flavor-wise. The good news is that this yogurt isn't awful by any means, but in such a wide-ranging lineup, it just didn't make a very stellar first (or second, or third) impression.

20. European Style Organic Plain Nonfat Yogurt

Trader Joe's organic European-style plain nonfat yogurt offers a sort of middle ground between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt — it has the texture of regular yogurt with the sharp flavor of Greek yogurt. I can see how this texture-flavor duo could be a winner for some people, but for me, I was struggling to find many redeeming qualities.

If there is one good thing about this yogurt, it's that it would make for a good base for toppings. On its own, however, it's almost mouth-puckering sour, with no added flavor to help balance it out, hence earning a relatively low spot on the overall list.

19. Goat Milk Yogurt

If you love goat cheese, then there's a good chance you'll like Trader Joe's goat milk yogurt. If you don't like goat cheese, however, then it's best to avoid this one. The flavor is mellow at first and funky afterward, which maybe works well in a cheese context, but with yogurt? It's not exactly the flavor profile I'm looking for.

Texture-wise, this yogurt is pretty creamy but quite runny, which also didn't help its case in terms of this ranking. Ultimately, there's just no reason I'd choose this goat milk yogurt over a traditional dairy option, especially since there's no added flavor to help offset that funky goat-milk taste. This served as a reminder of why humans historically prefer to drink cow's milk.

18. Icelandic Style Skyr Lowfat Cherry Yogurt

Slightly better than the raspberry flavor, Trader Joe's low-fat skyr cherry yogurt still isn't exactly good. I did appreciate that you can actually taste a cherry flavor in this yogurt, so it's not just all sourness, but it's a subtle flavor that seems like it could very easily be much stronger.

If there's one good thing about this yogurt (and all of Trader Joe's Icelandic-style yogurts), it's that there is a nice creaminess to it, but pairing that with such an acidic-tasting fruit just isn't the right move. Perhaps if the cherry flavor leaned more on the sweeter side we'd have more of a winner here, but alas, it's just another sour-leaning offering. 

17. Greek Lowfat Yogurt, Plain

While Trader Joe's does offer quite a variety of flavored Greek yogurt, it also offers plain Greek yogurt in non-fat, low-fat, and whole milk options. The Greek low-fat yogurt isn't bad and certainly makes for a good staple, but it tastes more like sour cream than anything else. 

This is to be expected with most plain Greek yogurts, but there was a particular sourness to this low-fat version that was pretty hard to ignore. It's a standard taste for plain Greek yogurt, so I can't knock it too hard for that, but I do wish it had a little more balance and mellowness in its flavor.

16. Greek Whole Milk Yogurt, Plain

Thick, rich, and ultra-creamy, there's something about plain Greek yogurt that is inherently enjoyable, even if it does ultimately taste similar to sour cream. I found myself enjoying Trader Joe's plain whole-milk Greek yogurt more than the low-fat version, and I think the richness is what really sold it. 

This yogurt is as thick as yogurt gets, and is just begging to be adorned with honey, granola, and the works. I could only rank this one so high because it's only so palatable on its own. That said, I appreciate the potential for versatility — turn it into a parfait, use it in smoothie recipes, or even dollop some onto a baked potato. 

15. Greek Nonfat Blueberry Yogurt

I enjoyed Trader Joe's non-fat blueberry Greek yogurt, but I wouldn't necessarily strive to get it again. The pros of this yogurt are that it's smooth and creamy, with the subtle flavor of blueberry shining through nicely. 

The biggest con to this yogurt is that it's just a little too forgettable. The flavor is far from offensive, but it also didn't stand out in any real way — it's a true middle-ground yogurt. If you like blueberry, then sure, this is a good option. If you can take blueberry or leave it, you're best off leaving this yogurt on the shelf.

14. Greek Nonfat Mango Yogurt

I found myself searching for many of the alleged flavors that some of these Trader Joe's yogurts were boasting, and the mango Greek non-fat yogurt is a great example of one that doesn't shine through very much. I did enjoy that there were mango chunks in the yogurt, which made it tastier than some other options, but I was still searching for something a little more mango-forward throughout.

A perk to this yogurt is that it didn't have that sourness found in so many other varieties on this list. Was it super mango-heavy? No, and that's its downfall — but it was still perfectly palatable.

13. Greek Honey Yogurt

I was excited to try Trader Joe's honey Greek yogurt, but alas, I was left a bit disappointed. This flavor isn't bad by any means, but it really doesn't taste like honey — it just tastes like sweetened Greek yogurt. 

The natural perk is that you can just crack the cup open and enjoy a smooth, mellow Greek yogurt that isn't at all sour. However, I didn't want any old sweet Greek yogurt — I wanted the honey flavor to shine through. I can't fault this yogurt too much because it does taste good, but I also can't rank it higher because you'd be better off drizzling honey onto plain yogurt instead of opting for this honey-flavored one. 

12. Icelandic Style Skyr Lowfat Vanilla Yogurt

I would've been so disappointed if all of Trader Joe's Icelandic-style yogurts were duds, but fortunately, the vanilla flavor is the redeeming option in this lineup. Unlike the raspberry and cherry flavors, vanilla skyr offers a much more mellow flavor profile, which naturally makes for a more enjoyable snacking experience.

If there's one downfall to this yogurt, it's that there could be even more vanilla flavor. But I'll take even subtle vanilla flavor over an excessively sour yogurt, so if you're going to go for any of Trader Joe's skyr yogurts, the vanilla offers up sweetness and warmth.

11. Organic Creamy Cashew Cultured Yogurt Alternative, Vanilla Bean

While strawberry wasn't the best flavor pairing with cashews, I found the Creamy Cashew vanilla flavor to be much more enjoyable. Cashews have a sort of creaminess all on their own — one that shines through in a yogurt context, even with no dairy involved — and vanilla is the most complementary flavor pairing out of Trader Joe's cashew-based yogurt lineup.

Flavor aside, this yogurt alternative is still pretty watery, and the texture just isn't nearly as good as dairy yogurt. However, if you are looking for a dairy-free yogurt substitute, then this creamy, mild, and mellow vanilla-flavored cashew option is your best bet. 

10. Greek Nonfat Strawberry Yogurt

It's pretty hard to mess up strawberry yogurt, and fortunately, Trader Joe's strawberry-flavored Greek yogurt is perfectly tasty — tasty enough to break into this list's top 10, in fact. Something that stuck out to me about this yogurt was its thickness; some flavored Greek yogurts become a bit watery, but this one stayed nice and thick all while retaining a smooth strawberry flavor, too.

Speaking of the strawberry flavor, it was present but not the strongest, hence why this option isn't higher on the list. I did enjoy that there are chunks of strawberry throughout, but I found myself wanting a stronger flavor in the yogurt itself.

9. Greek Whole Milk Yogurt, Vanilla Bean

If there's one consistent truth on this list, it's that vanilla seems to be a winning flavor in Trader Joe's yogurt lineup. This sentiment is proven by the store's vanilla bean Greek yogurt, which is speckled with little flecks of vanilla throughout, so you know you're in for a treat before you even take the first bite.

Something that works about this yogurt is that even though the vanilla isn't super strong, it doesn't necessarily need to be powerful to pair well with the creamy Greek yogurt base. Is this the most exciting flavor you could buy? No, but it's simple and sweet, earning it a safe middle-high spot on the list. 

8. Greek Whole Milk Yogurt, Strawberry Vanilla

The strawberry Greek yogurt is pretty good on its own, and the vanilla Greek yogurt is even better — so, naturally, Trader Joe's strawberry-vanilla Greek yogurt is a pretty tasty option. I like that there are two flavors packed into this yogurt option, making it slightly more exciting than other contenders on the list.

Strawberries add a certain acidity to yogurt, but thanks to the vanilla, this sort of mellows out into a fruity flavor that doesn't taste overtly sour afterward. This yogurt is a bit of a safe bet; it's easy to like, but ultimately, there are other flavors that taste just a bit better.

7. Greek Nonfat Black Raspberry Yogurt

I knew that at least one of the raspberry flavors in Trader Joe's yogurt lineup had to be a good one, and fortunately, the black raspberry Greek yogurt proved that my hunch was true. The first thing that stuck out to me about this yogurt was its thickness — it's not watery at all, so if you like extra-thick Greek yogurt, this flavor is a good choice.

Of course, I also really enjoyed the raspberry flavor that this yogurt had to offer. It's a little bit tart, as one might expect, but it still manages to taste balanced, and only has a slightly zingy aftertaste.

6. Strawberries & Cream Yogurt

Paired with the less-desirable bananas and cream yogurt in the same six-pack, the strawberries and cream flavor is about as classic as yogurt can get. Despite being a fan of Greek yogurt, I couldn't help but feel refreshed by Trader Joe's few non-Greek options, as they are perfectly smooth and creamy without the sour aftertaste.

To highlight the strawberries and cream specifically, I enjoyed the contrast between the strawberry flavor and the naturally rich nature of the yogurt. Again, strawberry is such a safe flavor that you can't go wrong with this option, but it's not exactly life-changing, either.

5. Peaches & Cream Yogurt

Trader Joe's peaches and cream yogurt felt like summer in a cup, bursting with juicy goodness that very few fruits can pull off. I was a bit concerned that juicy categories of peaches might not pair well with creamy yogurt, but one bite of this stuff put my concerns at ease.

Though many yogurts feature solid chunks of fruit, the peaches in this variety were especially tasty and enhanced. There's nothing bad to say about this one — the only reason that it's not ranked higher on this list is because the other flavors are just that good.

4. Greek Nonfat Yogurt, Coconut Cream

Out of all the flavored Trader Joe's Greek yogurts, the coconut cream lives up to its name the most in terms of actually tasting like coconut. You'll also find crispy little bits of shredded coconut throughout the yogurt, which was a big plus for me, but those who don't like coconut or feel indifferent to it might be overwhelmed by the sheer coco-nuttiness going on here.

As far as texture, this isn't the thickest nor thinnest yogurt in TJ's lineup; it's the warm, toasty coconut flavor that makes this one worthwhile. Unlike so many others on this list, the coconut flavor is also nice and strong from start to finish, though the top three yogurts managed to edge this one out ever so slightly. 

3. Raspberries & Cream Yogurt

Trader Joe's black raspberry Greek yogurt proved that good raspberry flavors can be found in the dairy section, but the chain's raspberries and cream yogurt proves that excellent ones can be found, too. Ultra-rich, creamy, and subtly tart, this is exactly what I was looking for in a raspberry-flavored yogurt.

As much as I do enjoy Greek yogurt, I think the winning factor for this one is that it's not Greek-style — it's just plain old yogurt, with no sour or pungent aftertaste. Unlike the other "and cream" yogurt options that come in packs with two flavors, you can buy the raspberries and cream cartons all on their own, and trust me when I say you'll want to stock up. 

2. Apricot Mango Greek Whole Milk Yogurt

While Trader Joe's mango Greek yogurt wasn't the best, the apricot mango Greek yogurt pleasantly surprised me with its abundance of fruity flavor. To be fair, I think that the apricot aspect of the yogurt does most of the heavy lifting, completely infusing the creamy carton with a juicy brightness that rivals the peach flavor and manages to beat it, too.

I don't have any negatives to say about this yogurt; it's smooth, creamy, and bursting with fruity flavor, and unlike the other fruit duo on this list — guava and passion fruit — the fruity medley isn't at all sour, pungent, or overbearing.

1. Mango & Cream Yogurt

As if the peaches and cream flavor wasn't enough of a reason to buy the six-pack of yogurt, the complementary mango and cream flavor makes it an absolute Trader Joe's must-buy. These little cups of mango-flavored yogurt sure manage to pack a lasting punch, something that I wasn't necessarily expecting but am happy to have stumbled across.

Compared to all of the other "and cream" yogurt flavors that TJ's offers, the mango one honed in on that creamy aspect, which is what earns it the top spot on this list. The mango flavor is prevalent while still maintaining a certain mellowness — it's just really tasty yogurt, requiring no other toppings to taste delicious. 


When ranking Trader Joe's yogurt, flavor was the biggest factor, especially since many options highlighted a particular fruit. For example, did the mango Greek yogurt actually taste like mango, or was it a little too mild? Did the goat milk yogurt stand out enough flavor-wise, or did it ultimately pale in comparison to the cow's milk options? While all yogurt tastes a bit similar, I also factored in texture (and favored those that leaned more on the thicker, creamier side) as well as versatility.
