19 Marshmallow Brands, Ranked Worst To Best

Winter may be a wonderful time to fill your hot cocoa with fluffy marshmallows, but the confection truly shines during the summer. Nothing beats a fire-roasted marshmallow sandwiched between slabs of chocolate and graham crackers — provided it's a quality marshmallow. After all, the marshmallow you use can make or break a s'more.

An overly sweet product runs the risk of overpowering the chocolate, while a marshmallow that's too chewy may become even drier and make your s'more unpleasantly crunchy. To help you determine which marshmallow is right for you, I conducted a taste test with several well-known brands. From products available at numerous stores to elevated varieties only found at specialty gourmet shops, I sampled each brand's product straight from the bag and after roasting the marshmallows in the oven. Based on taste — particularly when used in a s'more – appearance, availability, and several other factors, here are 19 marshmallow brands ranked from worst to best.

19. Granny's

While many marshmallow brands I sampled were quite similar to one another, the distinctively unpleasant aroma emanating from Granny's marshmallows immediately solidified its last-place ranking. Now, the brand's mallows — which are made with sugar glucose, kosher fish gelatin, water, tapioca starch, vanilla flavor, and artificial coloring – are gluten-free and kosher parve (which is a plus for folks who adhere to a kosher diet). But the unappetizing smell (combined with the marshmallow's thin shape and unappealing texture) was too great to rise above the bottom.

Granny's marshmallows are long and narrow, akin to a roll of quarters, and incredibly sticky. They clung to my fingers as soon as I removed them from the bag. The pungent odor lingers, too, overpowering any sweetness that may be present. Since they were quite chewy and hardened considerably after roasting, Granny's comes in last.

18. Manischewitz

Manischewitz puffy marshmallows have the same long shape as Granny's marshmallows — and a similarly offensive smell and flavor. This isn't entirely surprising since the two brands have almost identical ingredients, meaning Manischewitz marshmallows are kosher parve and gluten-free, as well (a genuine plus for adherents to a kosher diet, or gluten-sensitive individuals).

I suspect the kosher fish gelatin present in both Manischewitz and Granny's marshmallows is to blame for the unpleasant odor and poor taste. Most marshmallow brands use a binding agent, of course (often an animal-derived gelatin), but the use of fish gelatin specifically isn't as common. Still, while Manischewitz marshmallows are chewy and rendered tough after roasting, they're less sticky than Granny's, so it edges that brand and comes in second-to-last in these rankings.

17. Lieber's

Lieber's marshmallows may come in vibrant technicolor packaging, but the taste of these marshmallows is lacking. Like Granny's and Manischewitz, Lieber's marshmallows are kosher parve, and the product's narrow shape and elongated structure bear a striking resemblance to those two brands. However, though the ingredient list mentions kosher fish gelatin in Lieber's marshmallows, they thankfully don't emit the same unpleasant odor (hence it beats the lower-ranked brands).

While Lieber's marshmallows don't have any notable outward fragrance, the brand's absence of scent also transcends to an absence of flavor. Additionally, these marshmallows tasted a bit stale and unpleasantly chewy, and became crunchy (and somehow more bland) after roasting. It may be a decent-priced product that's slightly better than the bottom two marshmallow brands, but I'd recommend any of the higher-ranked marshmallows.

16. Bowl & Basket

Bowl & Basket is the house brand of the supermarket chain ShopRite. These marshmallows have a more traditional fluffy and squat shape and look like a quintessential cartoon marshmallow. Sadly, like a cartoon, these marshmallows are somewhat unnatural. The first ingredient is corn syrup followed by sugar, cornstarch, and several other items common in highly processed foods.

Of course, there's no denying Bowl & Basket marshmallows are aesthetically pleasing. Yet they somehow manage to be simultaneously too sweet and unpleasantly bland. More than that, the marshmallows' flavor was largely lost during the cooking process. While the over-sweetness is likely due to a combination of corn syrup and artificial flavor, the pleasant appearance and lack of distasteful odor kept it above the three lower-ranked entries — though this brand still belongs near the bottom.

15. Campfire

Campfire marshmallows seem to have a hold on the marshmallow market as they can be found at almost every major retailer. But while these marshmallows have a nice pillowy texture, the flavor is almost undetectable. Consequently, I can't bring myself to rank Campfire higher than 15th place.

Like Bowl & Basket, the first ingredient in Campfire marshmallows is corn syrup, though the taste is significantly less sweet (which worked in Campfire's favor during my ranking process). And though Campfire marshmallows feel soft to the touch, they were surprisingly chewy upon eating. Additionally, when I roasted a Campfire marshmallow and added it to a s'more, the mallow was sticky and virtually tasteless. It may be a well-known brand that's widely available and affordable, but Campfire marshmallows were a disappointment.

14. Paskesz

Paskesz marshmallows are another kosher-friendly marshmallow option made possible by fish gelatin — though the inclusion of that oft-pungent ingredient doesn't result in any outward odor. These marshmallows have a classicly plump shape and a satisfyingly doughy texture, to boot, but the flavor is where things falter. 

To be fair, Paskesz marshmallows don't taste bad per se. Then again, while the product contains similar ingredients as other marshmallow brands on this list, this brand's flavor is exceptionally subtle — and verging on non-existent. Since the marshmallows toast nicely and expand to fill a s'more without becoming overly dry, I can say I enjoyed Paskesz marshmallows much more than those ranked lower. Still, the high cost and rather bland taste are too much to justify placing it above this spot.

13. Food Club

Food Club marshmallows are where things start to get interesting. These everyday marshmallows smell faintly of artificial vanilla — a fragrance that's more appropriate for a candle but isn't altogether unpleasant here. The texture of Food Club marshmallows is somewhere between pillowy and chewy, as well, and I found the dough-like texture extremely enjoyable.

The reason Food Club marshmallows only come in 13th place? First, it contains several artificial ingredients, including blue 1 – an artificial food coloring agent used in foods. Additionally, these marshmallows didn't stand up well to heat and became slightly dry and crunchy after roasting. Since Food Club marshmallows are a fine choice to eat as is, though (and available at a decent price at many major grocery chains), it ranks above the bottom entries.

12. Chestnut Hill

Chestnut Hill marshmallows are advertised as "perfect for s'mores" and feature a satisfaction guarantee on the package — so I put those promises to the test. The first thing I noticed was the marshmallows' uniform shape and texture: they looked like they came straight off an assembly line. Though there isn't a tremendous amount of flavor in these marshmallows, they're light and satisfying overall, and the texture is pleasantly airy.

Chestnut Hill marshmallows are made with the same ingredients as several other brands, with corn syrup leading the way. These marshmallows puffed up nicely, as well, which created a solid base for my s'more. Frankly, the fact that this relatively cheap brand of marshmallows didn't rank higher is a testament to the higher-ranked brands rather than a knock on Chestnut Hill's product.

11. Wegmans

Wegmans was recently named one of the most popular places to buy groceries in the U.S., so I had to give its store-brand marshmallows a try. Of course, while the bright blue packaging notes the product has "no unnecessary artificial colors, flavors or preservatives", Wegmans marshmallows are still composed of exceptionally similar ingredients as other brands (minus artificial components).

To its credit, Wegmans marshmallows have a classic shape and a strong texture, with a bite that is both pillowy and soft. However, the brand's flavor is somewhat disappointing. Whether it was roasted or unroasted, these marshmallows were bland. To be fair, the uninspiring flavor wasn't offensive by any means, and when combined with its generally below-average cost, it belongs at number 11. But the underwhelming flavor means I can't rank it any higher.

10. Good & Gather

Good & Gather is a house brand of the megachain Target. All Good & Gather products are advertised as free of synthetic colors, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, and high fructose corn syrup. At the same time, Good & Gather marshmallows list corn syrup as the first ingredient, and the remaining ingredients indicate the confection is made similarly to other marshmallows in these rankings.

Of course, with a pleasingly plump appearance and nice spongy texture upon biting, Good & Gather marshmallows were fairly delightful — and worthy of kicking off the top 10 marshmallow brands. They may have tasted a tad too sweet whether roasted or eaten fresh from the bag (hence it ranks below 9 other brands). But with very little outward fragrance and a reasonable price point, these marshmallows are a decent affordable option.

9. Happy Belly

Happy Belly marshmallows are made with both natural and artificial flavors but feature no synthetic coloring. These marshmallows are sold exclusively on Amazon as one of the company's house brands, making them a convenient choice if you need marshmallows in a pinch and are looking to order online.

Furthermore, Happy Belly marshmallows have a classic shape and a sweet yet subtle fragrance. I found the texture to be soft and springy upon biting into one, and the taste was more subtle than the scent. While Happy Belly marshmallows became a bit dry and less flavorful after roasting, these marshmallows are still a great choice for an everyday s'more. Priced reasonably, as well, Happy Belly marshmallows are perfectly placed in the middle of these rankings.

8. Hearthy Foods

While the lower half of this list is dominated by affordable options, we now encounter the first of several gourmet marshmallow brands. These marshmallows are generally more expensive, and only sold at specialty shops in smaller quantities. Of course, even if Hearthy Foods marshmallows are the lowest-ranked gourmet option, they were still superior to the preceding marshmallow brands.

Hearthy Foods marshmallows are free of corn syrup and absent of artificial colors or flavors. The ingredient list is short and impressive, too: sugar, Hearthy halal gelatin, filtered water, vanilla powder, and powdered sugar. The gelatin powder is sourced from grass-fed, antibiotic-free beef and is certified halal — a big plus in my book.

Additionally, Hearthy Foods' marshmallows are square, resembling sugar cubes, and have a nice spongy texture. The marshmallows do taste a bit sweet and aren't the best option for s'mores as they completely fell apart in the oven. But being halal-friendly, tasty, and composed of less-unnatural ingredients, Hearthy Foods marshmallows deserve the eighth-place ranking.

7. Hammond's

Produced in small batches, Hammond's vanilla bean marshmallows are shaped similarly to Hearthy's and dotted with visible specks of vanilla bean. These marshmallows are kosher-certified and free of artificial flavorings and colorings. The marshmallows have a wonderfully pillowy texture and the flavor of vanilla is palpable in each bite.

Among the ingredients for Hammond's marshmallows are cane sugar, tapioca syrup, water, and invert sugar (the ingredient you should swap in for ultra chewy cookies). While I anticipated needing to roast two Hammond's marshmallows to fill a single s'more, the marshmallows puffed up well upon roasting. In fact, of all the marshmallows I sampled? Hammond's is the only brand I preferred the taste of more after roasting. Hammond's vanilla bean marshmallows are undeniably delicious and deserving of its higher-end ranking (though its priciness keeps it out of the top six).

6. Essential Everyday

Essential Everyday is a brand that purports to offer affordable options for many grocery and household items of the same or better quality than competitors. While Essential Everyday marshmallows aren't the least expensive marshmallows featured on this list, the product is on the lower end of the price spectrum — particularly among higher-quality marshmallows. Even though the listed ingredients are nearly identical to many other budget-friendly marshmallow brands, Essential Everyday's product was a step above the lower-ranked varieties.

Essential Everyday marshmallows are nicely fluffy when eaten fresh and remain satisfyingly soft after roasting. I must say the flavor of Essential Everyday marshmallows was subtle but decidedly sweet (almost too sweet, in fact), but that didn't detract much from the overall experience. Hence, it comes in sixth place (and just shy of the top five).

5. Stop & Shop

Stop & Shop's store-brand marshmallows were one of the biggest surprises of this taste test. The marshmallow's texture is so smooth it almost resembles marshmallow fluff (a sweet spread with many creative uses). In terms of sweetness, Stop & Shop's store-brand marshmallows taste sugary without being overly saccharine. Plus, when roasted and sandwiched between two graham crackers, these marshmallows held up nicely to the heat.

While there is much to love about these marshmallows, the ingredient list — which, to be fair, resembles countless other brands in this ranking — is less than ideal. Though the package tells consumers there are no artificial colors or dyes, Stop & Shop marshmallows are still made with corn syrup, sugar, and several common food additives. As a result, it couldn't beat the top four marshmallow brands. Still, for an average price of $1.29 for a 10-ounce bag, it's a relative steal for these tasty treats.

4. Jet-Puffed

Jet-Puffed marshmallows are available in most major grocery stores. These marshmallows have a traditional shape, but their size is between a standard plump marshmallow and the square sugar cube of the gourmet varieties. Since Jet-Puffed marshmallows are the ones I grew up roasting for s'mores, I was delighted to find that I still enjoyed the flavor (though I can't entirely ignore the role nostalgia may have played in my assessment).

Though Jet-Puffed marshmallows are made with a similar combination of ingredients used in other marshmallow brands, the fluffy and soft texture was incredibly satisfying. Additionally, I found Jet-Puffed marshmallows just as delicious fresh from the bag as they are when roasted. Their taste is decidedly sweet, but not over the top — meaning this brand earned its number-four ranking. Simply put, there's a clear reason why I (and so many others) love Jet-Puffed marshmallows.

3. 365 Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market is known for having high ethical and environmental standards. Those standards include a ban on over 300 ingredients commonly found in other food products, such as high-fructose corn syrup, sucralose, and saccharin. Whole Foods Market's 365 house-brand marshmallows may not be made with the exact same ingredients as many other brands, but they have the quintessential squat and plump marshmallow shape and a pleasantly subtle sugary fragrance.

The texture of these marshmallows can best be described as extremely fluffy, which makes them just as delicious when roasted. The brand's flavor profile — tasting sweet but not overly saccharine — is one of the main reasons 365 Whole Foods Market marshmallows are such an esteemed part of this list. With a surprisingly affordable average price of $1.89 for a 10-ounce bag at Whole Foods locations, is it any wonder this brand came in at number three?

2. Public Goods

Public Goods is a sustainably-minded company focused on producing goods with as little waste as possible. It sources all organic ingredients, avoids using chemicals, and packages its products with 100% recycled, post-consumer plastic bottles and tree-free paper. Public Goods marshmallows are made in small batches and prepared with organic cane sugar and non-GMO vanilla beans. Consequently, these marshmallows resemble thick sugar cubes with flecks of vanilla bean sprinkled throughout.

The texture of these marshmallows reflects their freshness: springy and airy. They taste very strongly of vanilla bean, which adds an excellent dimension to the marshmallow and makes it a perfect addition to any s'more. The one downside is the price (it is a gourmet brand, after all). But with such a fantastic flavor, appearance, and composition, Public Goods marshmallows were easily the second-best brand I sampled.

1. Dandies

The number one marshmallow spot goes to Dandies. The only vegan marshmallow brand on this list, Dandies marshmallows are entirely plant-based. These marshmallows are non-GMO, kosher-certified, and feature no artificial flavors or colors, no corn syrup, and no forms of gelatin. The lack of artificial ingredients is immediately noticeable in the exceptional taste, which features a perfect balance of sugar and vanilla. Dandies marshmallows also have a slightly firmer texture than many traditional marshmallows — likely due to the absence of gelatin — which gives them a satisfying bite.

When roasted, Dandies marshmallows expand beautifully under the heat, creating a s'more that's wonderfully textured and features an additional dimension of marshmallow flavor. Since Dandies marshmallows are made with the same (or even higher) quality as the gourmet options on this list but more widely available and affordable, this delicious brand tops all other marshmallows.


After compiling a list of 19 marshmallow brands available for purchase, I considered several factors when determining the rankings. This included the taste and texture of each brand's marshmallow — both cold and oven-roasted — appearance, and ingredients used (I paid particular attention to the inclusion of high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavoring, and artificial coloring). I also noted whether a brand adhered to particular dietary needs (such as kosher or halal), along with the average price point for each included brand. The opinions and recommendations are my own based on my own first-hand experience sampling each brand.
