The Festive Way Costco Locations Celebrate Store Anniversaries

Where is everything bigger? Well, Texas, for one, but also Costco, the big-box bastion of commerce that slings over-sized portions of just about everything one could need, all at astonishing prices thanks to its membership model. Bulk jars of mayonnaise and expansive boxes of frozen burger patties can be had alongside reams of paper towels and primal cuts of meat. It should, then, come as little surprise that when it comes to anniversaries, Costco doesn't do things in a diminutive fashion.

Those who hold a card and frequent the seemingly endless aisles of Costco know that the bakery is nothing to shake a stick at, churning out pies, muffins, and our top Costco bakery pick, the cherry cheese pastry, every day. On individual store anniversaries, the bakery pulls out all the stops by creating a truly Costco-sized cake. As evidenced in a few Reddit threads, these large sheet cakes — unscored, though Costco bakers will conveniently score a sheet cake for you when asked — celebrate the milestone. The large cake also offers the numerous customers coming and going a chance to share in the sweetness. 

These cakes can take many forms — some bearing the Costco logo, others sculpted in the shape of the store itself — but considerable size is the throughline, mirroring not just the store's ample offerings but ensuring all who are interested can get a slice.

Costco did up its 40th in a big way

Anniversaries of individual stores obviously merit a celebration. Warehouses — as Costco calls them — are often integral parts of the communities they serve, offering not just quantity and value, but good-paying jobs. But what about the anniversary of the entire company? 

In 2023, Costco turned 40 years old, marking the doors opening on the first store in Seattle in 1983. You better believe that the bakers — who are masters of customizing cakes for customers — were involved. Costco cake decorators created a scale replica of the #01 store complete with a mockup of the Kirkland fuel center, the Seattle skyline, and nearby mountains.

Additionally, the company partnered with toy maker Hasbro to create a limited edition Costco-themed version of the board game Monopoly to celebrate its 40th. Players can visit 22 locations, from warehouses to food courts around the world on a fan-created board that is fittingly oversized. Gone are the top hat and race car player tokens, replaced by pieces reflective of Costco, including a full pizza, a $1.50 hot dog, a signature employee name tag, and more. Though the big anniversary has come and gone, the game is currently still available on the Costco website, a certain must-have for those who never want to stop celebrating their favorite store.
