Bourbon And Cereal Are The Unexpected Pairing For A Unique Breakfast Cocktail

Considering that grains are involved with making both bourbon and cereal, pairing the two isn't as strange as it might sound. While we're not asking you to dump a bottle of bourbon straight on top of a poured bowl of Wheaties, you will be pleasantly surprised by using milk that has been infused with your favorite brand of cereal to make a smooth sipper. If you've experienced the simple joy of slurping down milk leftover from your morning cereal, you understand the delectable taste that this sweet liquid can offer. Now, imagine using cereal-infused milk to elevate a boozy beverage. As with any infusion, the longer you let the ingredients get to know each other, the stronger the flavors imparted into your finished concoction will be.

Whether you prefer bowls of Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Puffs, French Toast Crunch, Chex, or Honey Nut Cheerios, you can infuse milk with the cereal you have stashed in your kitchen cupboards. Allow at least one hour in the fridge for the cereal and milk or milk alternative to mingle and bathe together, then strain out any cereal crumbs and you'll have a sweet, smooth liquid that's ready to use in cocktails. Your cereal-infused milk will stay fresh for the next day or two before you'll need to make another batch. When mixed with bourbon, you'll discover that the caramelly tasting notes of bourbon complement the sweetness of the cereal milk, and subtle flavors like cinnamon and toasted oak really come to life.  

How to make a cocktail using cereal-infused milk

Once you've experimented with making cereal-infused milk, you can turn your creativity toward the cocktails you create with it. Make a White Russian with Cap'n Crunch-infused milk, or enjoy a simple bourbon drink made with Apple Jacks-flavored milk. Play up bourbon's caramel and vanilla tasting notes with Honeycomb or Cookie Crisp infused milks, or lean into smoother tasting notes of wheat and grains with milk infused with Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, or Corn Pops.

While you can experiment with ratios to build the cocktail that is right for your palate, start by using a 2:1 ratio of cereal milk to bourbon when filling your cocktail shaker with the ingredients and ice. For an even sweeter flavor profile in your tipple, add simple syrup, agave nectar, or honey to sweeten your drink. Strain into a glass and serve it on ice with the appropriate garnish: Ground nutmeg or cinnamon, a dollop of whipped cream, or a Luxardo maraschino cherry for a finish that will have you eagerly waiting for the next serving.