Customize The Flavor Of Your Steaks By Making Your Own Spice Rub

As enjoyable as going out to a steak dinner can be, there's joy to be found cooking your own steak at home and getting everything just the way you like it. For one, nothing beats the fun of carefully reviewing the many different cuts of steak to select your favorite. Knowing what to keep in mind when choosing side dishes for steak, you can also relish in planning out all the flavors to bring your meal together. Making your own spice rub to season your steak is the ultimate way to prepare your steak to your exact specifications. 

Crafting your own seasoning blend is a fantastic way to properly moderate the flavors and ingredients to suit not only your tastes but dietary restrictions. Many commercially available spice blends contain a high amount of sodium, which can negatively affect blood pressure among other issues. Being able to take your seasoning literally in your own hands and decide how much or how little of each ingredient you wish to include is the most ideal way to have more control over your intake. Additionally, it's fun to experiment with new spice rubs on your steak and try different tastes that transcend the usual restaurant fare.

The perfect spice rub for your steak

It's easy to make your own spice blends at home for total flavor control. For a custom spice rub, it's as easy as gathering your ingredients, carefully mixing everything together until sufficiently combined, and then putting it into a container. A good rule of thumb for seasoning your steak with a dry spice rub is to first pat your meat down with a paper towel to get rid of any extra moisture. Ratio-wise, it is also recommended to use one tablespoon of seasoning for every pound of meat that will be cooked. From there, the spices are entirely up to you.

Consider starting with a coffee-rubbed steak, which uses a simple mix of ground coffee beans, garlic powder, chipotle powder, salt, pepper, and brown sugar. Don't let the seasonal notion of an all-purpose summer spice blend fool you, as it's great on steak any time of year. A homemade za'atar blend recipe will give your steak a bold Middle Eastern-inspired flair. For more earthy and warm spices, try a house-blended five spice powder recipe to infuse the flavors of a Chinese all-purpose seasoning into your meat. However you choose to season your steak, making your spice rub at home is the ultimate way to customize your meal.