Oklahoma Prime Rib Is The Gameday Treat With A Misleading Name

What could be better than a smoky snack packed with savory flavors and rooted in rich tradition? If you've never thought about smoking a hunk of bologna before, then there's no time like the present to give it a try. Colloquially known as Oklahoma prime rib, BBQ bologna is a Southern specialty (endorsed by pitmaster Pat Martin) with a humorous nickname. The sarcastic "prime rib" moniker gently pokes fun at bologna by comparing what is socially considered to be a lesser product made of processed sausage lunch meat to that of prime rib, a dish synonymous with classic fine dining. Regardless of your personal thoughts on bologna versus prime rib and which one reigns supreme, it's important to remember that all food is good food — particularly when enjoyed in moderation.

Smoked bologna originated in the "Sooner State," Oklahoma, and is a typical dish of choice for gameday tailgating and similar entertainment. A more substantial take on the classic Southern fried bologna sandwich, the preparation for Oklahoma prime rib involves scoring, seasoning, and smoking a large chunk of bologna known as a chub to perfection with a crisp exterior and tender interior. This delicacy is not limited strictly to Oklahoma, though. It can also be found among offerings of Tennessee BBQ – particularly in the Memphis area — and has even made it all the way to Texas, brought over by Tulsa-born chefs and introduced to the local BBQ scene. Wherever you can get it, Oklahoma prime rib is worth a bite — or more!

The tradition of BBQ bologna

Though bologna's unclear path to America's sandwiches still has an air of mystery surrounding it, one thing is for certain: the Southern delicacy known as Oklahoma prime rib is an unbeatable snack that isn't to be dismissed or overlooked. It's still up for debate whether the treat originated in Tulsa or Oklahoma City — and exactly when — but modern-day chefs have hazarded a guess that smoked bologna may have become prevalent around the 1950s or 1960s. In this day and age, however, the biggest concern seems to be having enough chubs to go around to make the highly sought-after dish. Many chefs opt not to pre-season the bologna, preferring to allow the flavors from the smoker to do the proverbial heavy lifting. 

There is, of course, also some debate between all-beef, beef and pork, or any number of combinations that make up a bologna chub. Typical of Oklahoma-style BBQ, smoked bologna can be chopped up and served in a BBQ combo plate with delicious sides just as any other meat offering. Additionally, slices are often piled high into a sandwich on white bread. Typically a food for celebratory events such as sports matches or picnics, Oklahoma prime rib truly shines in any and every setting. No matter how you choose to indulge, this classic snack provides a comforting dose of nostalgia in every bite.
