Can You Cook Up Frozen Burger Patties In The Air Fryer?

Whether it's bad weather or a lack of time keeping you from the grill, you can still keep burgers on the menu, even if they're frozen, thanks to your air fryer. There are certainly some foods that you should never cook in the air fryer, but a frozen burger isn't one of them. This handy gadget, when used correctly, will deliver delicious burgers in less time and with less mess. 

You may have heard that cooking with the air fryer is healthier than other alternatives. It's true that a burger cooked in the air fryer may be slightly healthier than a stovetop burger, since you'll forfeit the need for oil or butter. There are other benefits to using the air fryer over the grill, too, since charcoal-grilling meats produces chemicals in the smoke and char that can be harmful to your health. When seasoned and cooked properly, a frozen burger patty in the air fryer can be just as flavorful and a bit better for you than one cooked on the grill. A win for us burger-loving lazy cooks!

One thing to keep in mind: Since you're cooking frozen patties, they may not absorb seasoning as well as a moist, fresh patty would. Some of this flavor can get lost in the cooking process. But simply adding extra seasoning during and after cooking can help recover any lost flavor easily. You can even add a splash of liquid smoke or a seasoning blend to mimic the smoky flavor you'd get from a grill.

The best ways to cook frozen burger patties in the air fryer

Whether they're homemade or store-bought beef burgers, frozen patties can taste just as good as fresh ones if they're cooked properly. For optimal flavor and juiciness, start by selecting a burger made of ground beef with a higher fat percentage of around 15-20%. If medium-rare is what you're looking for, an 80/20 (80% lean, 20% fat) ratio is ideal.

To cook beef patties straight from the freezer in the air fryer, start by preheating your air fryer to 390 degrees Fahrenheit. Cook the seasoned patties between eight and 12 minutes, checking the temperature about eight minutes in — some high-quality air fryers even have timer settings to remind you when it's time to check on your burger. Using a meat thermometer, make sure your beef patties reach an internal temperature of at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure they're safe to eat — burgers around this temperature should be medium-rare.  When the internal temperature starts to reach 135 degrees and up, you're on your way to more of a well-done burger. Once they finish cooking, let the patties rest for a few minutes in the air fryer with the drawer open. Don't skip this step, as it let's the patties really absorb the juices, making your burgers even tastier.