What Should You Do If There's Mold In Your Nespresso Machine?

It's easy to make a mistake with your Nespresso machine. Perhaps you forgot to purge or descale it, or you left a pod in the machine. A couple of weeks later, you open your Nespresso only to see a thick layer of mold spreading all over the machine. What should you do?

The exact steps to clean mold vary from one Nespresso model to the next. However, if you'd like to try fixing the problem yourself before consulting with Nespresso, the steps are as follows: Empty the machine, brush with soapy water, descale using the Nespresso solution, and flush with hot water.

First, eject any used capsule, then unplug the machine and give it a wipe. Detach all removable parts, including the water tank, used pod container, drip tray, steam wand, milk carafe, milk frother, and nozzles. Wash them thoroughly in an unscented dish soap and hot water for at least 30 minutes, using a small toothbrush and Q-tips for small nooks and corners. If your machine comes with cleaning tools for the steam wand, use that. Then, fill the water tank with water and Nespresso's descaling solution, and put everything back into their places. Place a large container under the coffee outlet, and start "descaling" the machine. Once descaling is finished, the next step is to flush the system a few times until the water smells normal, which is advised after a period of non-use. Empty the container and the drip tray, and you should be good to go.

How to prevent the brew blues in the first place

Regular cleaning is your best defense against a moldy coffee machine. Wipe and purge the steam wand after every use, and give it the weekly cleaning it deserves to prevent residue buildup. Descale the machine every three months or 300 capsules as recommended by Nespresso. While it can be tempting to clean your coffee machine with vinegar, you'd better think twice before doing that: The brand specifically advises against using vinegar as it can damage the machine's intricate parts. Instead, stick with the Nespresso-made solution and repeat the descaling and cleaning process multiple times if you must. 

If you plan to leave for vacation or take a caffeine break, take extra precautions. Empty the capsule container, drip tray, and water container, then clean and drain the machine completely following instructions for your specific model. Make sure all the parts are completely clean and dry before putting them back together, then cover your Nespresso with a cloth to prevent dust. When you're ready to resume your brewing routine, give the machine a thorough flush before you start using it again.