A Squeeze Of Lime Does The Trick In Elevating An Espresso Tonic

Think beyond your routine iced coffee or espresso martini for your next homemade espresso drink. Espresso tonics have been touted as the new iced coffee and make for a delicious and refreshing beverage, with no milk necessary. In fact, to make your own at home, you'll need little more than espresso and your favorite brand of tonic ... though one additional ingredient is certain to elevate your drink's flavor. For your next espresso tonic, consider adding a bit of lime. 


The reason the fruit works so well in an espresso soda is because it adds a citrusy sweetness to your drink. This addition balances and deepens flavor, and pairs well with both soda and espresso. Not to mention, the zesty profile of a lime complements the crispness of tonic water and the complex richness of your go-to espresso. Just avoid using an ultra-acidic coffee to brew your espresso. Instead, you'll want a roast that's on the lighter side. As for how much of the citrus to use, the choice is yours. A squeeze or a wedge is enough to do the job, depending on your preferences. 

How to add citrus to your next espresso soda

When life gives you limes, you make espresso sodas. You can start your next espresso soda by pouring tonic water directly over ice and a slice of the green citrus. That way, the two have the chance to meld together. You can also squeeze your lime slice directly into your espresso soda for all the more flavor. If you're not a huge fan of limes, you can, alternatively, incorporate the ingredient as a garnish once you've finished making your espresso soda. This route is a particularly great way to test out the fruity addition and decide whether it's for you. 


Of course, if you're still not sold on espresso soda with lime, other variations of citrus work similarly in the drink. Your choice on which to add, then, depends on your own preferences. For instance, you can add lemon, which is commonly used in espresso sodas, thanks to its sharpness of flavor. Or, you can try grapefruit or even an orange. After all, espresso martinis are often finished with a burnt orange peel, so citrus and coffee are never a bad pairing. 

