12 Ways To Upgrade Rice Pudding

Rice pudding is one of those desserts that's both decadent and easy to make. Rice pudding proponents love the dessert for its richness and creaminess, and most recipes are going to render this delectable texture. You can whip it up at home with the help of just a few ingredients — at its most basic, this luscious treat can be made with just rice, sugar, and milk. Add in some spices, and it's even more flavorful. It's both filling and comforting, not to mention simple enough that everyone in your family is likely to enjoy it.

But if you keep making the same old rice pudding recipe over and over again, you may start to get tired of this classic treat. Maybe it's time to switch things up? And that's where this guide for upgrading your rice pudding comes into play. We talked to two rice pudding experts, cookbook author Selina Peri and recipe developer Shanna Webb of Gluten Free Kiddos, to help compile this list of ways you can elevate your basic rice pudding. Some of these tips require a few extra steps, while others just require some extra ingredients. But they're all guaranteed to transform your average rice pudding recipe into something really special. 

Explore these simple upgrades in preparation for your next bowl of rice pudding, and allow yourself to be inspired to try a whole new technique or flavor profile. Rice pudding has never tasted so delicious.

1. Bake your rice pudding to get a crispy topping

Rice pudding tends to have a flavor that's pretty innocuous, and most people aren't going to be too turned off by it. But for some, the texture is another story. Rice pudding can be, well, soft, without any other textural element that makes things interesting. And if you're the kind of person who really values texture in a dish, then after a few bites of rice pudding, you may want to put your spoon down.

The solution? Consider baking your rice pudding. Not only does this add an interesting textural element to the dish once the top gets slightly crisp, but it'll also cut down on the time you have to spend in the kitchen. Instead of standing over a pot stirring your rice pudding for about an hour, you can simply combine all the ingredients in a pan, pop it in the oven, and go about your day. When your rice pudding is done baking, take it out of the oven and let it cool for a while before digging in. We love a recipe hack that allows us to reap the benefits of a delicious dish without putting in so much work, and this upgrade does exactly that. You'll never want to make your rice pudding on the stove again after you try this recipe.

2. Use chai spices for a flavorful twist

Many classic rice pudding recipes feature flavors that aren't that bold. And while that mild flavor profile can be appealing for those who don't like strong tasting notes, it can get boring for those who prefer ones that are a bit more pronounced. If you're looking for a way to infuse your dish with even more flavor, consider adding chai spices to your rice pudding recipe. Chai rice pudding is a delicious twist on a classic dish, and it'll make chai latte lovers swoon upon the first bite.

In addition to the standard ingredients you need for rice pudding, like jasmine rice, coconut milk, and sugar, you'll also want to get your hands on the chai spices you'll need to make this delicious dessert. Grab a cinnamon stick as well as some ground cinnamon in addition to star anise, ground ginger, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, and vanilla. You'll also add salt and pepper to the finished product for an extra kick of flavor.

The result is undeniably mouthwatering — it really does taste like a chai latte, except it has that lovely textural element you'd expect from a good rice pudding. This recipe is especially appealing during the colder months of the year, but it can be enjoyed at any time you have a serious craving for chai and dessert at the same time.

3. Harness the taste of Mexican hot chocolate in rice pudding

American rice pudding is very similar to arroz con leche, a dessert that calls Mexico home. And if you're looking for a way to give your American rice pudding recipe a twist, consider making the best arroz con leche you've ever tasted by harnessing the flavors of Mexican hot chocolate. The base of the recipe requires pretty standard ingredients, including whole milk, sugar, and of course, rice. But you'll also be including some flavorful additions that really up the flavor ante. Make sure you have cinnamon, cocoa powder, chili powder, and cayenne on hand before you start cooking.

These warming flavors really work together in harmony. The cocoa powder gives your arroz con leche a chocolate-y twist that chocolate lovers will love, while the cinnamon adds that warming spice note that keeps things feeling cozy — just like a cup of Mexican hot chocolate. By adding in an element of heat in the form of cayenne and chili powder, you get an extra kick of flavor but also an element of heat. When it all comes together, it creates a dessert that's at once comforting and exciting. And isn't that what we all want after dinner?

4. Combine the flavors of rice pudding and mango sticky rice

Sometimes, capturing the flavor of one classic dessert isn't enough. When you're looking for the best of both worlds in dessert form, consider combining the flavors of both rice pudding and mango sticky rice for a delectable treat you won't soon forget. "If you love rice pudding and mango sticky rice, then you've got to try coconut rice pudding," says recipe developer Shanna Webb. "Combining the two is heaven!"

It all starts with rice, of course, but your list of ingredients doesn't end there. Grab some other fruity ingredients for an ultra-flavorful dessert. "You will love this creamy rice pudding made with coconut milk then topped with fresh mangoes and toasted coconut," Webb tells us. The sweetness and acidity of the mangoes adds a fresh touch to the carb-based dessert, while the toasted coconut adds a note of warmth that makes this twist on the classic dessert even more inviting. And the best part? You don't even have to make the rice from scratch. According to Webb, "This particular recipe is awesome because you use already cooked rice ... a great way to use up leftovers!"

5. Add richness to rice pudding with evaporated milk

If you want to add a rich, creamy texture to any old basic rice pudding recipe, there's one simple ingredient you'll want to make sure to have on hand: evaporated milk. Evaporated milk is milk that's been simmered down until it loses about 60% of its moisture, which renders it thick and creamy with a beautifully velvety texture.

It shouldn't come as a surprise, then, that evaporated milk can make your rice pudding taste better than ever. It'll give the dish a particular creaminess that you can't achieve from plain milk alone. It also adds a sweetness to your dessert that makes every bite that much more appealing. Some claim that it has a nutty, caramelized flavor, which can add depth and complexity to an otherwise very simple dish. And using evaporated milk along with other spices and ingredients in your rice pudding can up the flavor factor even further. Evaporated milk tends to be inexpensive, and it's a simple addition that doesn't make the dessert any more complicated to make — so it's definitely worth a try.

6. Use ice cream in your recipe for extra decadence

One of the best ways to add an extra layer of decadence to your rice pudding is to add ice cream to the mix. Sure, it may be an unexpected ingredient, but once you give it a try, you'll totally understand what the hype is all about.

Basically, you're just going to make your standard rice pudding recipe like you usually do, combining the rice, milk, and sugar in a pot and heating it until it simmers, stirring occasionally until it reaches your desired consistency. Then, take it off the heat and let it cool. When you're ready to serve your rice pudding, dish it out and then scoop a dollop of ice cream on top. Feel free to use any flavor of ice cream you prefer — vanilla and chocolate keep things simple and creamy, but more elaborate flavors with toppings can offer an interesting textural element. Once the ice cream is in your dish with the rice pudding, mix it all together. You'll get a dessert that's way richer and heartier than either rice pudding or ice cream are on their own.

7. Coconut milk transforms rice pudding into a vegan treat

Most rice pudding recipes are, unfortunately, not vegan since they contain milk. They're not lactose-free, either, which isn't ideal for those who struggle with lactose intolerance. So, what exactly are you supposed to do if you either choose to abstain from dairy products or you have to for your health? No worries — there's one easy swap that can make your rice pudding both vegan and lactose-free, and luckily, it'll give your rice pudding a beautifully creamy texture with just a touch of a tropical, fruity note. That ingredient is coconut milk, and you should consider using it the next time you make rice pudding.

The benefit of using coconut milk is the ingredient's high fat content, which creates a creamier texture than many other types of vegan or non-dairy milks. Therefore, it'll give your rice pudding a creamy mouthfeel that you can't even achieve from standard cow's milk. It's also thicker than regular milk, which again adds to that richness you're looking for. The flavor of coconut milk also melds well with the warming spices often included in rice pudding recipes. Even if you're not trying to avoid dairy, this is a simple and easy swap worth trying.

8. Use fragrant fig leaf oil for an unexpected flavor addition

Sometimes, you can get away with adding some pretty basic ingredients to your rice pudding to upgrade it. Other times, though, you might want to think outside the box. That's exactly the case when it comes to this next upgrade, which is admittedly a bit niche. However, if you can get your hands on some of this stuff, you can be guaranteed that your rice pudding will never taste the same. What's this ingredient, you ask? Fig leaf oil. This fragrant oil can add a beautiful and subtle touch to an otherwise unremarkable bowl of rice pudding.

Fig leaf oil may not be available on your local grocery store's shelves, but that doesn't mean it's hard to add to your dish. You can actually just find fig leaves and blend them with some kind of neutral oil so that flavor really shines. Then, add that fig leaf oil on top of your rice pudding for an extra degree of lusciousness and a very particular floral flavor you can't get from any other ingredient. If you're really looking for an upgrade that's outside of the conventional rice pudding box, this is it.

9. Turn a basic rice pudding recipe into Mauritian kheer

American rice pudding might be a good place to start on your rice pudding journey, but you don't have to stop there. Many cultures have their own versions of rice pudding, and Mauritius boasts one of the most delicious. Cookbook author Selina Peri offers an elevated version of this classic dessert you don't want to miss, saying, "Infused with fragrant spices and tropical flavors, Mauritian-style rice pudding, known as kheer, is a culinary masterpiece."

Luckily, making kheer isn't too tricky. "Start by simmering rice in creamy coconut milk until tender," Peri explains. "Add a generous pinch of cardamom and a splash of vanilla for a heavenly aroma. Sweeten with condensed milk and stir in plump raisins for added richness. Finally, garnish with toasted almonds and a sprinkle of freshly grated nutmeg." In just a few steps, you can experience kheer at home for a deliciously upgraded version of your old standby rice pudding recipe.

10. Make Turkish fırın sütlaç for a less-sweet iteration

Do you ever feel like your favorite rice pudding recipe is just a touch too sweet? If you're looking for a similar dessert that's a bit more subtle and understated with a less aggressive sweetness to it, you may want to turn to an iconic Turkish dessert called fırın sütlaç. This dessert is quite similar to the rice pudding many Americans are familiar with, but it doesn't boast quite as much sugar, which gives it a more approachable flavor profile for those who don't have a super developed sweet tooth.

Fırın sütlaç differs from other types of rice pudding in a few ways. Perhaps most notably, it's generally cooked in a clay pot, allowing it to develop a soft, pudding-like consistency that can be creamier than you may be used to. This richness really carries the dish, while the sweetness takes a backseat. Additionally, this dish also features a beaten egg on top of the pudding itself, which creates a flaky, caramelized top that adds an interesting element to the finished dish. If you're ready to give your basic rice pudding recipe a serious upgrade, swapping it out for a fırın sütlaç recipe just might do the trick.

11. Use barista milk for a creamier rice pudding texture

Whether you're specifically looking for ways to upgrade your rice pudding or you just have some extra milk leftover from the last time you made lattes at home, there is one easy hack that can surprisingly transform your bowl of rice pudding. Instead of using the milk you usually buy at the store for your rice pudding, consider using barista milk instead. Barista milk might just be the most versatile type of milk, with a creaminess that works well for a variety of uses. And luckily, it works especially well in a rice pudding recipe.

When you're making rice pudding, it's important to choose a kind of milk that will lend enough moisture to the rice while still offering enough fat to give it that creamy texture you're going for. Compared to skim and many dairy-free milks, barista milk can be quite thick and luscious, which means it's a great contender for your rice pudding recipe. Use it in combination with another type of milk you have on hand, or completely sub your usual milk for barista milk instead. You're not likely to be disappointed with the results.

12. Add egg yolks to rice pudding for a more custard-y texture

Many cultures have some sort of rice pudding-like dessert in their cuisines, and Portuguese food is no exception. Portuguese arroz doce is very similar to the rice pudding many Americans have grown up eating — but it's definitely different than the American version in some ways. Most notably, arroz doce features egg yolks, which are added toward the end of the cooking process. They render a more custard-y texture, so you get more richness in every bite. And if you want to harness those same flavors and textures in your own rice pudding, you too can add egg yolks to your rice pudding preparation.

Not only will the addition of egg yolks give your rice pudding an interesting texture and flavor, but it also lends a beautiful golden yellow color to the finished dish as well. If you've ever had Portuguese pastel de nata, you know exactly the color we're talking about. If you want to make your standard rice pudding recipe look a bit more appealing while featuring the flavors of a different culture, try your hand at making your very own batch of arroz doce.