What You Can't Replace When Customizing Starbucks' Iced Energy Drinks

Even though Starbucks has a long list of caffeine-packed drinks mixed specifically to get you up and running in the morning, the chain is alway looking for new ways to give you an extra boost. Just last month, the coffeehouse released a line of new drinks for the summer, the Starbucks iced energy. They're sugar-free and available in a variety of mixed fruit flavors that all sound right at home on the label of popular energy drinks, like "Tropical Citrus" and "Melon Burst." Each drink, per Starbucks, will have anywhere between 140 to 205 milligrams of caffeine to keep you going until brunch.

There's a catch, though. Unlike most other drinks at Starbucks, these come with some limitations. When you order, either the website or the barista will tell you that iced energies are only available in one size, that being Venti. So naturally, lots of people have been wondering if the drink can be customized at all.

There is good news for Starbucks fans who love to tweak their orders! The only thing in the recipe that can't be changed is the energy base, which comes in pre-mixed cans. Other than that, you can still personalize every other part of your drink.

Syrups, juices, teas, and toppings are fair game

While the energy base (and the size of the cup) is fixed, all the other ingredients are fair game. Let's take the Tropical Citrus Iced Energy as an example. A basic serving is a mix of ice, energy drink, and a green tea with herbal infusion (a blend of spearmint, lemon verbena, and lemongrass). Not feeling the green tea? You're free to swap it for black or passion tango tea instead. We don't have solid information on whether you can swap the herbal blend for something else, however. Because it's an important flavoring ingredient for the recipe, there's a small chance that you can't take it out.

The drink can be further customized with a splash or two of milk, flavored with extra syrups and fruit juices (peach and apple are available). You can also tell the barista to garnish it with a cool layer of cold foam. And if you'd like something to chew on, pearls and fresh fruits can also be added.

So don't be shy about customizing your iced energy drink! You have plenty of choices to create the ultimate pick-me-up that's uniquely yours to supercharge your morning!