The Whole Foods Product Request You Didn't Know You Could Make

Whether you're cooking for one, on a budget, making a recipe that only calls for a small portion of an ingredient, or just wanting to cut down on extra food waste, this underrated Whole Foods shopping secret is a game changer. This hack comes down to just a simple product request — instead of purchasing an entire item, like a watermelon, a steak or salmon fillet, or even your favorite baked good, and being stuck with way more than you can possibly use in one go, you can simply ask an employee for a half portion.

Although you likely won't see any signs in the store advertising this option, don't worry, Whole Foods does in fact list this as an official policy on its website. It states, "If you need only half a melon, fish fillet, wedge of cheese or loaf of fresh bread, we're happy to provide just the half you need." 

What to know about this Whole Foods shopping secret

The above Whole Foods hack can really come in handy, especially with items that tend to spoil quickly, like berries, other produce, or freshly baked bread. It is also best used with items like cheeses or meats that come from behind a counter, where you can easily get something that's exactly your desired size. Although the Whole Foods website doesn't specify any products that could be off-limits, keep in mind that this may not apply to packaged items like a bag of popcorn, canned goods, or a carton of milk, and instead reserve it for anything that can easily be split without harming the actual product or packaging.

And don't worry about the other half of a melon or fillet going to waste — Whole Foods is committed to reducing food waste. According to the store's website, Whole Foods upcycles whenever possible, like repurposing ingredients in the prepared foods or bakery sections or donating to food banks and food rescue organizations. 

Whether it's Whole Foods' robust array of prepared items, the generous samples scattered throughout the store, its highly-rated seafood and meat counter, or its impressive candy aisle, there are so many things to love about the grocery, and this product and money-saving hack is another great reason to add to the list.