How Long Should Your Nespresso Machine Last?

Many people buy a Nespresso machine because they enjoy the diverse coffee pod flavors the brand has to offer, while others just want café-quality coffee at a slightly more reasonable price. Given that a Nespresso is quite an investment at the start, you want it to last as long as possible, so it makes up for the cost of your coffee shop habit.

As with many other appliances, there's no definite answer as to how long a Nespresso coffee maker stays functional and high-performing. There are many variables that can affect its longevity: how often it is used, the amount of maintenance you do or don't put into it, and of course, an element of chance. What we do know is that all Nespresso models come with a two-year warranty starting on the date of purchase. So, unless you really abuse the machine or there's a house fire, it's likely going to survive for at least this long.

For most users, technical problems tend to arise somewhere between the fifth and tenth years of service. With meticulous care, however, it's not rare for a Nespresso machine to continue brewing delicious coffee for over a decade. Read on for tips on keeping your appliance in tip-top shape.

Treating your Nespresso right helps it last longer

Proper use and care can go a long way in extending the lifespan of your Nespresso machine. Residential Nespresso coffee makers are designed for household use, and Vertuo models can handle a maximum of 20 cups per day; presumably other models are close to this estimate. Use only filtered water to prevent mineral buildup in the appliance — this is a must-do to make the best-tasting coffee, anyway.

Regular maintenance is rather straightforward. After each use, run a water-only cycle to purge the system, and wipe down the exterior. Perform a more thorough flush and cleaning on a weekly basis, and run a descale cycle after every 300 capsules used. Make sure you remove used capsules promptly and clean the water tank and drip tray regularly, to prevent mold growth in your Nespresso. These tasks take only a couple of minutes, but neglect them and your coffee maker will be asking to retire early.

Another thing to keep in mind is that while using off-brand pods doesn't void the Nespresso's warranty, not all pods are created equal. Choose ones from reliable suppliers, and ditch a brand if your Nespresso machine has difficulty perforating its pods. Additionally, make use of the warranty for any issues you notice before they become serious or the warranty expires.