The NYC Restaurant That Has Sentimental Memories For Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart is an unrivaled culinary and social queen. While she has plenty of favorite restaurants across the U.S., her knowledge of food and dining goes above and beyond when it comes to New York City. And, sure, there's a three Michelin-starred fine dining restaurant that she thinks is a can't miss (despite its high price tag), but the Big Apple establishment that really has a special place in her heart is Elio's, as it holds many sentimental memories for the business maven, her family, and her closest friends.

Located in New York City's Upper East Side, Elio's has been open since 1981, boasting white tablecloths, coffered ceilings, classic bistro chairs, and stunning wooden paneling on the walls. Throughout the 35 years that she's been dining at Elio's, Stewart has celebrated many special moments at the restaurant, including her first post-divorce date in 1989, which was planned by her daughter Alexis. Stewart also celebrated New Year's Eve at Elio's in 2012 with a few close companions, including her nephew and her makeup artist.

What Martha Stewart orders at Elio's

Some of Martha Stewart's favorite dishes at Elio's are simple Italian staples. She starts off her meal with a salad of hand-selected mixed greens from local farmers tossed in a light vinaigrette. Stewart also enjoys the beef carpaccio, a classic Italian appetizer of thinly sliced raw beef topped with capers, lemon juice, olive oil, and onions. Elio's version of beef carpaccio is served with salsa verde, a delicious bright and herbaceous green sauce you can try making at home with our recipe.

For her entree, Stewart orders the lasagne Bolognese, which Elio's serves with a generous amount of silky, meaty sauce pooling around the layers of noodles. According to Stewart, Elio's lasagne is so delicious it prompted her to make her own version — quite a high compliment coming from the queen of cooking. Ordering two beverages is a power move, but Martha Stewart is a powerful woman. She enjoys an iced tea with lemon as well as an ice-cold martini with a twist, made by her favorite bartender Brian, and we know she is no stranger to a perfect martini. If you're in the area and able to get a reservation, you can channel your inner Martha Stewart and order some of her favorite dishes (and drinks) at Elio's.