The Storage Hack That Keeps Your Herbs Fresh So Much Longer

There's nothing more disappointing than discovering a bunch of slimy herbs that have gone bad — especially if you were about to use them to garnish or elevate a recipe. Fresh herbs have a ton of potential beyond just making your food taste better: They're also said to make dishes healthier, since they can eliminate the need for a processed condiment or dressing. For this reason, it's important to keep your herbs fresh for as long as possible. Wrapping them in a paper towel and sealing them in a food storage container is just the hack you need to get the most out of fresh herbs, and it works especially well for hard herbs, like rosemary, sage, and thyme.

Before placing them in a storage container, you want to make sure that you wash the herbs to remove any dirt. Some produce does not need to be washed before storing it, but herbs are an exception; not washing them can shorten their lifespan and cause them to decay much faster. To do this, try soaking them in a bowl of cold water. Stir them a bit with your hands and let all the debris sink to the bottom. Then, pat them dry with a paper towel, or use a salad spinner to remove all of the excess moisture. Prepare a damp paper towel to wrap the bunch of herbs in, and then place it into a storage container or plastic bag. This method typically keeps herbs fresh for up to 2-3 weeks.

Other herb storage hacks

While the container method is typically recommended for storing hard herbs, it can also work with soft herbs, like cilantro, parsley, and dill. However, there's another hack that's typically recommended for soft herbs, especially basil, which tends to brown quickly when the container technique is used. For this method, be sure to clean and dry your herbs first, and then trim about an inch off of the soft stems. Place them in a glass jar with about an inch or two of water. Feel free to store different types of herbs together like a flower bouquet. When the jar is full, place a plastic bag or plastic wrap over top to keep them extra fresh.

Another quick and easy tip for saving your herbs is to freeze them. This method allows for quicker (and cheaper) meals, since you'll be sure that none of your fresh herbs go to waste. There are two ways to do this: The first method is to freeze cleaned and chopped up herbs in an ice cube tray filled with olive oil. This makes them easy to utilize in cooking whenever you need them. The second method involves freezing them whole by placing them in a plastic freezer bag after they've been washed and dried. Whichever method you choose, you'll feel good that your aromatic herbs didn't go to waste.