Sesame Oil Takes Sauteed Spinach To The Next Level

It really doesn't get any simpler than sauteing when it comes to cooking spinach. Just 10 minutes in the kitchen with a few pantry staples and you've got a scrumptious plate of veggies to dig into. It requires nothing more than salt, pepper, lemon juice, and a few drops of oil. Popular cooking oils like olive and vegetable oil are undoubtedly necessary, but those are not the only varieties that come in handy. When you want to take things up a notch without altering the whole flavor profile, sesame oil (which you can easily make at home with just two ingredients) is the subtle addition we recommend. Just a splash is enough to kickstart the flavor wonder.

A long-time essential ingredient in countless Asian dishes, sesame oil is not to be underestimated. Its robustly nutty notes are a phenomenal flavor enhancer, perfect for adding depth to the spinach's savory, earthy taste. Entangled in that richness is the leafy green's sweet hints, which fares incredibly well with sesame oil's umami-laden flavor profile. Not stopping there, sesame oil, or more specifically the toasted variety, also comes with a toasty fragrance that exudes a comforting warmth. As the spinach absorbs the oil's essence, the dish not only takes on layers of flavor but also a homey comforting feel that delights the senses with each forkful.

What can you do with this spinach and sesame pairing?

When it comes to sesame oil, there are two main varieties: Untoasted and toasted, aka regular and dark. The first is neutral and relatively mild in flavor, commonly used as a regular cooking oil. The second imparts pronounced flavors and has a lower smoke point, therefore it's more suited for non-heat applications and light cooking since too much heat can turn it slightly bitter.

In sauteed spinach's case, where the cooking is quick, you can cook with toasted sesame oil if needed. The specific amount varies between recipes and the desired intensity. For 1 pound of spinach, a couple of tablespoons should be enough, and if you're only using it for seasoning, then just a few teaspoons will suffice.

The fun can end there, or you can extend it by giving the sesame oil some company. At the top of the list is soy sauce — sesame oil's all-time best pairing in dishes that call for a bold umami touch. On the sweeter end of the flavor spectrum, rice vinegar, honey, or maple syrup are welcome additions in small amounts. For those who like a kick of heat, chili paste is the key to a satisfying spinach and sesame side-dish. Don't overlook the aromatics, either. Garlic, ginger, shallot, and onion are all stunning choices. Although not compulsory, garnishing can complete the dish. Toasted sesame seeds are ideal, but get creative with dried seaweed sheets, nuts, or pepper flakes as well.