Elevate Vanilla Ice Cream In A Pinch With Everything Bagel Seasoning

Vanilla ice cream is often labeled as boring or plain, and while it's certainly less exciting than rocky road or moose tracks, its fruity and floral notes make it an incredible foundation for an intriguingly unusual dessert that you can create in a pinch. Just a sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning adds a nutty, savory crunch that elevates vanilla's mild flavor without overpowering it. Even the lightly spicy, vegetal flavors of garlic and onion blend with the ice cream's sweetness for a delicious duo you'll dare your friends to try.

We have Trader Joe's to thank for turning this popular bagel flavor into a seasoning sensation. The blend of sesame seeds, flaked sea salt, poppy seeds, and dried minced onion and garlic has distinct nutty and sharp notes brought together by a pop of salt. These bright flavors are a surprisingly tasty companion for vanilla ice cream. The ice cream's sweetness undercuts the sharpness of the garlic and onion, while the salt and nutty seeds bridge the gap between contrasting flavors.

If you'd like to downplay the savory notes of the everything bagel seasoning a bit, add a drizzle of honey. Honey has a slight bitter note that will blend with the garlic and onion's sharpness and help soften them into mellower, more herbaceous flavors. Crushed graham crackers or a sprinkle of granola will do the same thing while adding texture and crunch. You can also try making your own everything bagel seasoning to control the ratios of the more savory ingredients.

Use spicy, savory, and earthy toppings to balance sweet vanilla ice cream

We can attest that once you start experimenting with savory ice cream toppings, it's hard to stop. The magical thing about vanilla is its ability to round out the edges of stronger flavors, enhancing their complexity while also elevating the ice cream's sweet notes. That means you can add robust flavors to vanilla ice cream without making it too savory, so you'll still feel like you're eating dessert.

For instance, you can blend the everything bagel seasoning with crushed BBQ potato chips for a sweet and spicy twist. If you love the nutty notes in the seasoning, toss in black and white sesame seeds with Tajín. We already sprinkle Tajín on fruit, so it's just the tiniest leap to add it to vanilla ice cream. Vanilla and lime together are indulgent and refreshing, with the chili salt adding a zesty bonus.

If your favorite part about everything bagel seasoning is the flaked salt, simpler toppings like olive oil and sea salt may be the perfect flavor combo for you. The olive oil makes the ice cream taste even richer, while the sea salt offers a sophisticated counterpoint to its sweetness. Just be sure to choose high-quality light olive oil and kosher sea salt. With such a simple recipe, the quality of the ingredients will dictate its success.