The Right Way To Thaw Out Frozen Bananas Before You Start Baking

Bananas are one of the easiest foods to save from getting overripe and ending up in the garbage. As soon as they start getting spotty, you can peel and freeze them for later use in tasty baked goods or frozen treats. Chocolate-covered banana bark, vegan ice cream, or jam are just a few creative ways to use frozen bananas. In baked goods, like banana bread, pancakes, bars, muffins, or cakes, you can also use frozen bananas; however, you'll need to thaw them first before incorporating them into any recipe that will be baked or cooked.

The right way to thaw bananas is to transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator the night before you want to use them. This is the safest option because the bananas remain at a cold temperature that prevents bacteria growth. Plus, it ensures that the bananas thaw at the same speed and are fully thawed the next morning. If you want to use them the day of, it is possible to set them out on the counter and let them thaw for 2 to 4 hours at room temperature. However, if you forget about the bananas, it's possible that they will become too warm, allowing bacteria to grow. 

Quick tricks to thaw out bananas

If you forgot to transfer to the refrigerator or have a sudden urge to make banana pancakes in the morning, it's still possible to thaw frozen bananas quickly. The easiest and speediest way to do so is to heat the bananas in the microwave for a few minutes; 3 to 4 minutes on a low heat setting should do the trick. Check them after a minute, as accidentally starting to cook the bananas will alter their flavor and texture. The microwave may not thaw the bananas evenly, so examine the middle to see if it is still frozen before using them.

Another option is to place bananas in a sealed plastic bag and set them in a bowl of warm water. Let the bananas sit in the warm bath for 10 to 15 minutes. This method takes a bit more effort because you will need to check on the bananas after 10 minutes, and possibly add more warm water if they are not completely thawed.