The Creamy Ingredient That Gives Boxed Mac And Cheese A Better Texture

Mac and cheese is one of the ultimate comfort foods. The invention of store-bought boxed mac and cheese made it easy for people to enjoy a warm meal after a long day and brought convenience to the kitchens of busy families. Still, as nice as boxed mac and cheese can be, there is something left to be desired when it comes to texture.

There are several ways to improve boxed mac and cheese, like adding soup or fish sauce for extra flavor. When it comes to texture, one of the easiest and fastest ways to improve boxed mac and cheese mix is to add a dollop of Greek yogurt. Just mix the yogurt into the pasta after it has been cooked before adding cheese to the dish.

It is important to use Greek yogurt and not just regular yogurt. Greek yogurt and regular yogurt have different tastes and textures, with Greek yogurt being the thickest of the two. This additional thickness is precisely what makes Greek yogurt so useful for making the texture of boxed mac and cheese creamier.

The Greek yogurt trick

Regardless of the type of mac and cheese brand, this Greek yogurt trick will make the texture thicker and creamier. About 2 to 3 tablespoons of Greek yogurt is all that is required. It is best to add the Greek yogurt to the pasta after it has been cooked and drained while the pasta is still warm. After that, add the cheese powder and combine until the mixture and pasta are as uniform as possible.

When making boxed mac and cheese, Greek yogurt can also be used as a replacement for butter and milk. The exact amount of Greek yogurt will vary depending on the amount of mac and cheese being made. For a standard box, about ½ cup of Greek yogurt will do.

As for the type of Greek yogurt, whole-milk and full-fat Greek yogurt is recommended as it will provide the most creaminess. Low-fat and nonfat Greek yogurt will still work but might result in a slightly thinner final product. Just be sure to get unflavored plain Greek yogurt to avoid making the mac and cheese taste like vanilla.
