The Popular Oat Milk Creamer We Honestly Think Is Overrated

Oat milk creamers have garnered interest from coffee fanatics recently. These creamers allow lactose-intolerant and vegan coffee consumers to get the richer consistency typically associated with dairy creamers without having to worry about consuming lactose. Additionally, there are tons of ways to use coffee creamer other than putting it in coffee, which makes oat milk creamer a handy tool if you're dairy-free. It sounds like a win-win situation, and for the most part it is. However, not all oat milk creamer brands are created equal. 

Out of all the popular brands out there, Nutpods misses the mark. Their oat milk creamers are thin and greatly lacking in flavor. Overall, Nutpods oat milk creamer just does not add much to coffee. Some have suggested frothing Nutpods oat milk creamer to help the texture and flavor. However, not everyone has the tools or the time to go through this process. There are definitely better milk alternative coffee creamers out there that do not require extra work in order to taste good, like Califia Farm's oat milk creamer.

Not going nuts for Nutpods oat milk creamer

One major issue that nearly all customers have mentioned is that Nutpods oat milk creamer is just too thin. Many have described it as having a watery consistency. Even major fans of the brand have said that they had to add more creamer to get the flavor and consistency they desired. Some have even said that the creamer tended to dilute coffee rather than add to it.

On top of its thin consistency, Nutpods oat milk creamer is lacking in flavor. The brand has several different sweetened and unsweetened oat milk creamer flavors, but none of these flavors really add anything to drinks. Customers have described the creamers as flavorless or having only a hint of taste. In the cases when Nutpods oat milk creamer has been flavorful, the results have not necessarily been positive. Several people have complained about the creamers tasting so bad that they thought they had bought an expired product. There have also been complaints about the creamers having a less than pleasant aftertaste.