The Liquid Ingredient To Add To Scrambled Eggs For Loads Of Flavor

Nobody wants bland eggs. The general guidance is to at least add a dash of salt, but have you ever tried scrambling them with soy sauce? Just a teaspoon per two eggs has the power to transform your breakfast from dull to scrumptiously mouthwatering. Soy sauce blends the traditional saltiness of this dish with a unique umami flavor and subtle sweetness. It makes the final product more interesting. Soy sauce-marinated boiled eggs are popular in Japanese and Chinese cuisine, so why not harness that sought-after taste profile in scrambled versions, too? 

Be sure to add the soy sauce before cooking to avoid uneven flavoring. The good news is that, as a liquid, the sauce actually mixes more easily than salt, so expect more effective blending regardless. It doesn't sink to the bottom of your egg mixture either. One of the most common mistakes to avoid when cooking with soy sauce is simply adding too much. So stick to the single teaspoon guidance. You can always add more after taste-testing.

What to serve with soy sauce scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs with soy sauce on a few slices of toast is a flavorsome dish in its own right. But how can you develop it further? One alternative is incorporating rice. Boiled or fried rice is a popular in breakfasts worldwide and bulks up your plate with filling carbs for the day. There are plenty of easy and delicious fried rice recipes out there. And don't forget veggies! Scallions add a mildly sweet flavor, while a few tomatoes and a fresh salad won't go amiss.

What if you need to quickly adjust the taste profile rather than add side dishes? Apart from knowing what to serve alongside this scrambled eggs variation, you need a few emergency tricks up your sleeve to balance out the soy sauce. A simple way to cut down the richness of soy sauce is with a splash of rice vinegar. Vinegar is helpful for counteracting soy sauce overkill when the salinity is sky-high. Citrus juice, sugar, or honey are other effective options for a quick fix.