11 Best Soups To Have For Breakfast To Start Your Day

We are often told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but that is only true if you choose food that is nourishing and will keep you going before lunch. While many in the U.S. might reach for popular breakfast foods like sugary pastries and cereals before leaving the house, having soup for breakfast is a seemingly unconventional but much healthier option to consider. It may sound like a strange concept if you have never tried it, but there are many countries across the world where soup for breakfast is the norm. A warming broth packed with vegetables, protein, and a little bit of carbs will give you the energy you need to get through even the toughest of mornings.

To help you navigate the idea of kicking off your morning with soup, I spoke to two experts to get their opinion on how to best set yourself up for the day ahead. Jessica Formicola, cookbook author and founder and chef at Savory Experiments, and Seanna Borrows, recipe creator, food photographer, and content developer for Seanna's Kitchen, have both drawn on their years of experience to recommend the most nutritious and delicious soups you can eat first thing. 

So, grab your ladle and join me as we explore the best breakfast soups to start your day. You might just find yourself switching up your breakfast game.

1. Cheese and bacon potato soup

If you're thinking of having soup for breakfast but worry that it won't fill you up enough, consider having a more indulgent version to help curb your hunger until lunchtime. For a heartier option, Seanna Borrows suggests a cheesy potato soup with bacon. "So creamy, full of flavor, and incredibly satisfying," she says of the soup. "It's definitely the stick-to-your-ribs kind of breakfast that'll see you through."

Full of protein and carbs, this soup will give you plenty of energy to go about your morning, but won't leave you feeling overly full, as some cooked breakfasts can. The complex carbohydrates in the potatoes will break down slowly, providing you with consistent energy as the day goes on. Compare this to sugary cereal or pastries, where the sugar spike will have worn off before you even really begin your day, causing you to feel hungry much earlier than you would like.

To make this soup even more substantial, Borrows recommends serving some bread alongside it. "The thick broth makes it the perfect soup to dunk toast or breadsticks," she points out, adding that it also "goes perfectly with a side of scrambled eggs." So, if you've got a busy morning ahead of you, why not up your breakfast game in the most delicious way, with a filling, rich bowl of cheese and potato soup?

2. Vegetable soup

Looking for a breakfast soup that is endlessly customizable? Make a classic vegetable soup. A great vegan and vegetarian option, you can make a flavorful broth, and then add literally any veggies you want into it, meaning it can be different every time.

The huge benefit of having a mixed vegetable soup for breakfast is the variety of nutrients you can pack into the first meal of your day. If you want to really boost the antioxidant content of your soup, choose veggies with a deep color throughout, such as carrots, peppers, and spinach. The fiber will help keep your digestive system running smoothly, and ensure you feel full for hours afterwards. If you don't need your soup to be vegetarian, you can use a high-quality chicken or beef broth to add in extra protein, as well as creating a rich flavor. For a plant-based protein boost, add tofu or nutritional yeast instead. 

Jessica Formicola loves to begin her day with vegetable soup, and even takes it on the go with her as she completes her morning routine. "I can even put [it] in a Thermos and sip in the car while doing school drop off and running errands," she says. This suggestion is also a great idea if you are worried about soup not being enough to get you through the morning. If you make up an extra portion for your Thermos, you can enjoy it throughout the morning (perhaps instead of drinking coffee), keeping those hunger pangs at bay.

3. Minestrone soup

For your first meal of the day, try out a bowl of minestrone, a plant-based soup that's filling and packed with both nutrition and flavor. According to Seanna Borrows, "A nutritious breakfast soup should include broth or milk for the base, barley or rice, potatoes or pasta for sustained energy, vegetables for nutrients, and a protein for flavor and to keep you feeling full for longer." This Italian classic ticks all the boxes, containing beans, pasta, and vegetables to nourish your body and give you energy to last all morning.

Beans are an excellent food to start the morning with, as they contain protein and fiber along with very little fat. Generally speaking, the British love baked beans on toast for breakfast, and folks in Mexico may enjoy refried beans alongside other foods first thing. But here in the United States, we have never really embraced the concept of eating legumes in the morning. Minestrone is a fabulous way to eat beans for breakfast, and you can add cannellini, kidney, or butter beans — whatever you happen to have in the pantry.

In terms of veggies, feel free to throw in whatever you want — fresh, frozen, canned — as they will all add nutrition to the bowl and count towards your vitamins and minerals for the day. Add some short pasta such as macaroni or use fun pasta shapes if cooking for kids.

4. Vegan ramen

Noodles for breakfast may not be your first thought, but trust me, you're going to love it! Seanna Borrows certainly does, saying that vegan ramen soup is a satisfying and flavorful meal to enjoy after waking up. The key to a good ramen is in the broth, and this will contain the nutrients you need to begin your morning in the best way. "Soup for breakfast sounds a little odd, but is actually an excellent choice for several reasons," explains Jessica Formicola. "The first is that we are often dehydrated when waking, and soup is a liquid base. And not just a water base, [but] generally some sort of broth which will rehydrate but also be rich in vitamins and minerals, like vegetable broth."

However, if you don't follow a plant-based diet, Borrows suggests adding a soft-boiled egg as a tasty option, and this will add some valuable protein to the ramen. On top of the protein and vitamins, the noodles will provide you with carbohydrates to give you a burst of energy in the morning. All of which makes this soup a light yet balanced breakfast with everything you need to kick your day off properly. 

5. Chicken soup

When it comes to a dish that is warming and nourishing, nothing quite hits the spot like chicken soup. Famous as the food to help you recover when ill, chicken soup is full of nutrients that will give your body a boost and help get you through the morning.

The onions and garlic in the base of the chicken soup will provide sulfur-containing compounds that boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. So, if you feel even a hint of the cold coming on, you might consider making a steaming bowl of homemade chicken soup the first thing on your list. The lean protein from the chicken not only creates the signature flavor of this soup, but also plays a crucial role in preparing you for the day ahead. It keeps your blood sugar balanced much better than refined carbohydrates, as well as helping you to feel full.

While you can keep things even lighter with a simple bowl of chicken broth, you could also have fun with your chicken soup with add-ons that make it feel a little bit fancy and hearty. "Turn your soup into a complete meal by adding toppings, like a sprinkling of cheese, some avocado, seeds, or a dollop of yogurt or sour cream," suggests Seanna Borrows. "These can enhance both taste and nutrition."

6. Beef and cabbage soup

It is crucial to consider the food groups that are going into your breakfast soup, as a balanced meal is going to keep you much fuller for longer. "Many soups are also protein and fiber rich," says Jessica Formicola, "which most nutritionists agree are key elements for a good breakfast."

A hearty soup that clearly fits the bill is beef and cabbage soup, which contains the protein, carbs, and vitamins needed to give you the energy you need for your day, without spiking your blood sugar levels. If you use a high-quality beef stock, or make it yourself, it will also provide you with plenty of collagen, which is an important nutrient for skin and hair. You can add potatoes if you wish to give a boost of complex carbohydrates and make your breakfast soup even more filling — or, leave them out for a lighter version. You could also throw in some beef sausages to give it more of a breakfast feel. However you choose to make it, beef and cabbage soup will leave you feeling satisfied and ready to face your morning.

7. Pasta e fagioli

If you've been thinking there is no way that a bowl of soup will be enough to get you through the first part of your day, it all depends on the ingredients you add. "Balance is key," Seanna Borrows says. "While soup can be a nutritious breakfast, make sure it has balanced nutrients that you'll need for your morning. Try adding in some protein like eggs, beans, or tofu, as well as whole grains for sustained energy." One delicious option that is based around whole grains is pasta e fagioli, which is Italian for pasta and beans. By using whole grain pasta instead of white, you slow down the rate of digestion, keeping you fuller for longer and giving you a steady stream of energy to face your morning.

Don't feel as though you have time to cook soup in the morning? You can prepare it over the weekend to eat throughout the week. "Soup is a fantastic meal prep option for busy mornings," Borrows points out. "Make a big batch, portion it out, and freeze or refrigerate. When you're ready, simply thaw and reheat for a quick and nourishing breakfast."

8. Ground beef soup

If you're still not quite sold on the concept of soup for breakfast, consider this — how do you feel about hamburgers for breakfast?! By combining the two concepts, you can create a delicious, filling meal that will put a smile on your face. Jessica Formicola names ground beef soup as one of her favorites to have for breakfast, and if you give it a try, it will likely become one of yours, too. The ground beef contains high-quality protein as well as being an excellent source of iron, which is crucial to combat tiredness — and that's definitely helpful first thing in the morning. To contrast with the richness of the meat, add plenty of vegetables, which will up the soup's nutrient profile even further. 

Though this soup is already pretty hearty, feel free to throw in some additional ingredients, if needed. "Listen to your body," Seanna Borrows suggests. "Everyone's appetite is different. If you find a bowl of soup isn't quite filling enough to hold you over until lunchtime, try increasing the portion size, adding extra grains, or serving it with a piece of toast or some bread."

9. Butternut squash soup

One of the benefits of having soup for breakfast is that there are so many different types and textures to try out. If you're in the mood for something creamy, warming, and vibrant, butternut squash soup is the one for you. According to Jessica Formicola, it is a great option for filling your belly up but not weighing you down. Butternut squash is packed with nutrition — its bright color is the giveaway — and full of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, minerals like magnesium and potassium, and vitamins A, C, and E. Make a super soup packed with a range of nutrients by adding in any other ingredients you like (for a kick of protein, for example, Formicola adds shredded chicken). 

The thought of preparing breakfast soup may seem a bit overwhelming, but Formicola points out that you don't have to make every single element from scratch. Noting that pre-made bone broths and soups can be purchased at the likes of Trader Joe's, Sprouts Farmers Market, and Whole Foods, she says, "Adding the other elements is as easy as cleaning out your veggie drawer in the fridge!" 

If simply upgrading store-bought soups means you are more likely to make a healthy breakfast, then by all means do so. As both of our experts recommend, you can make things even easier on yourself after you've just woken up by planning ahead with some weekend meal prep.

10. Tomato soup

It can be difficult at first to get your head around the concept of having soup first thing in the morning, but nutritionally it makes sense. "Soup is a great option for breakfast," says Seanna Borrows. "Whether you're health conscious and looking for a nutritious, low-calorie start to your day, or are looking for a hearty breakfast, homemade soup provides a nutrient-packed start to your day."

Jessica Formicola's favorite soup to have for breakfast is classic tomato. Tomatoes are a powerhouse of nutrition, and are actually better for you when cooked, since the antioxidant lycopene is more easily absorbed. Plus, there is something about tomato soup that just can't be beaten. "The smell alone makes me smile," Formicola says of tomato soup. "Add a few croutons or a piece of toast, and I am ready to go!" However, she adds, "When I make it at home, I use bone broth to get protein without adding meat. Sometimes, I throw in a few chickpeas, lentils, or quinoa, but it really depends on what I have on hand in the fridge." Whether you choose to keep your tomato soup classic or add other ingredients into the mix, it is a fabulously healthy way to begin your morning.

11. Lentil soup

Making your own broth is a brilliant extra step in making soup for breakfast, and if you have the time and energy to do it, you will benefit both in terms of nutrition and flavor. Jessica Formicola recommends using a bone broth, which ensures the meal will include amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and protein. "It helps jump start my day and is basically a multivitamin and protein bar all in one," she says. "I add bite-size veggies like peas, chopped kale, carrots, onion, and celery to the base to make it more substantial. Shredded chicken is also a great addition for more protein, as are beans or lentils."

Lentils are an excellent source of protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. They contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, as well as being high in fiber to keep you full. The combination of a homemade broth and lentils will create a hearty soup that will give your body everything it needs to function well.

While you may think of lentil soup as a bit uninspiring, Seanna Borrows reminds us that we can feel free to mix things up by getting creative and experimenting in the kitchen. "Not all soups are created equal. Explore different flavor profiles to find what you enjoy," she advises. "Try adding in your favorite protein, like meats, seafood, dairy, or plant-based proteins. Experiment with seasonings and cooking methods to enhance flavor. The possibilities are endless."