The High-Protein Yogurt We Would Never Eat Again

High-protein foods and snacks are gaining considerable popularity due to the fact that protein helps build muscle mass. Combined with other health benefits, high-protein foods are a must for those who exercise or go to the gym consistently. Protein powder is often the go-to for getting extra protein, but people have found plenty of creative — and tastier — ways to get protein in their diet, from making no-bake protein balls to using powdered peanut butter as an alternative ingredient.

For those who do not have the time to make homemade snacks, high-protein yogurt is a great store bought option. There are lots of great yogurt brands out there with good tasting and nutritious yogurt, but :ratio PROTEIN is not one of them. Some customers have described the yogurt as having an unusual texture and tasting completely awful.

Despite boasting a whopping 25 grams of protein in each serving, even the most dedicated gym goers cannot bring themselves to enjoy this yogurt due to its bad taste. Some customers have suggested adding extra ingredients to help curb the bad taste and unusual texture, but even then the improvement is only marginal at best. In general, while :ratio PROTEIN definitely wins in the protein category, it loses out in every other category, making it near impossible to enjoy.

Low marks for :ratio PROTEIN

Even though high-protein yogurt is meant to be a healthy food, it should still have some appeal when it comes to taste. The trouble with :ratio PROTEIN is that it tastes unappetizing. Customers often describe the taste as chemical in nature, as well as the aftertaste. Meanwhile, others complain that the yogurt is sickeningly sweet to the point that the taste is unbearable.

Although there are some that managed to get past the unusual flavor of this yogurt, the texture still presented a major issue. Customers have called the texture chalky and uncharacteristically thick. At the same time, other customers complained that the yogurt is very watery and runny, which suggests that the product is inconsistent when it comes to its texture and quality.

Last but certainly not least, many customers have raised concerns about the ingredients in the yogurt itself. Several have complained about the product's use of carrageenan, which is an additive that can potentially cause inflammation and bloating, and has even been linked to cancer. Others have also called the product's use of artificial sweetener, specifically sucralose, into question. As such, many customers have turned away from the product due to its inclusion of unappetizing and unhealthy ingredients.